All artists will understand this...

in #art8 years ago

I was planning on writing a long blog about this but in the end I got it down to the nitty gritty of the matter.


You can probably guess what stage I am on just now lol!

Thanks for visiting and welcome back next time




You must focus, try some meditation to focus your mind :)

I had a different approach...

  1. Move into apartment
  2. Find blank canvases and paint
  3. Splash paint all over canvases ala Jackson Pollock
  4. Hang on wall
  5. Give away
  6. Beg for them back when they turn out to be good
  7. Leave disappointed!

Ha ha ha excellent approach, much better than mine lol!

Great! Your post perfectly describes my "approach" to the new artwork. For me, the day twelve is: you turn your head and watch the hubby's artworks, so you wish to hide your canvas or to throw it out of the window. :D

Ha ha ha ha love that one, lol! Excellent

Probably I'm a lucky man: never had problem to find what to paint. Or perhaps I'm just a shallow artist :)

Same as you, never have any problem painting. I think the problem is that a lot of people are scared of a blank canvas and too focused on making something truly good that the whole painting process become manual labour, instead of a creative process.

I dont have a problem as to what subject to paint, it is more to do with when to begin lol!

I am a musician, but there is something similar for me too.
Some songs come out of my guitar like magic, without reason, suddenly.
When I decide to create something, and to invest a definite amount of my time, usually doesn't work so well.

So my advice is: never plan anything, follow inspiration! :)

Yeah I think you are onto something with the philosophical approach to trading. I love the idea of approaching it as an art form.
I cant say who it will be take but I for one love the idea.
I will resteem it.

Thank you so much for resteeming, Arthur!

Honestly, it's nothing new: other people in the past already said trading is an art and not a science, and also tried the philosophical approach to it.

I'm only trying to tell my own personal experience and to share what I think I understood about it :))

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