Drawing Beautiful women of Steemit - First Week @gringalicious

in #art6 years ago (edited)


Drawing beautiful women from Steemit

FIRST WEEK : @gringalicious

Hello everyone, today I bring a new section to my blog, which consists in making portraits of the people in steemit. This idea was given to me by my dear friend @jokossita, who for months told me to do it, but because of my own fear that the drawings would go wrong, I was keeping postponing it; Until a few days ago, I saw a post from @gringalicious (which I really liked) and I asked myself: when was I supposed to start making portraits of people in steemit? And well, my answer was simple, I will draw her !! From that day I started working hours and hours until I finish it and this was what I achieved. I hope you like it!


To make the portrait I used a 2B pencil for the sketch, a 6B pencil for the shadows and an eraser for the lights; Also I used a Charcoal for the background.


The image that I used for draw @gringalicious was a photography I found in one of her post.


I started doing the sketch of @gringalicious with a 2B pencil, which took me only 2 hours! I was impressed, since I had never done a sketch of a face in such a short time.


Then, I proceeded to add the lights and shadows to the face and part of the body. In which I used only a 6B pencil and an eraser, for lights and shadows.


After that, I give realism to the hat that @gringalicious has on the photography. I used a 6B pencil and an eraser.


After having made the hat, I decided it was time to make the jean jacket, I didn't know how to do draws of clothes but I took the risk and the result was magnificent (in my opinion hahaha). I also did the other accessories, which are the necklace and the ribbon that hangs.


Then, with a cotton ball and a charcoal, I made a simple background, to make the character stand out. Also I modified some parts of the drawing.


I leave the drawing of the hair last because it's what I still don't very well as the clothes. For the hair I used a 2B pencil for the base a 6B pencil for the shadows and eraser for the lights. Also retouched some parts of the drawing, add some details and the draw is ready. This is the final portrait of @gringalicious


It's Done

I hope you have enjoyed this new initiative It will make me improve my skills as a artist and you will get to know awesome people of steemit that really is making a change and supporting the platform, I also hope that you liked the portrait I made of @gringalicious, I worked hard to achieve a good result. I'll be making this each week

Guess who will be in my next drawing !!!



That's wonderful! Thanks for sharing.

thanks, It's a pleasure for me!

excellent portrait friend ... very good detail

You are improving soooo much!! I told you to start doing it because I love your work and you are SO TALENTED! You have so much to give. I know I'm gonna love all your portraits and I know @gringalicious will love this one.

thank you for your good wishes and also thank you for motivating me to make this new section, which is a challenge for me.

Tienes un gran talento, hermoso dibujo.

¡Muchas gracias amigo!

Muy bien @arteadictorals vamos avanzando, siempre los consejos son muy útlies y perder el miedo a la crítica, ellas lo que hacen es hacernos crecer como artistas, felicidades, me gustó.

¡Muchas gracias Maestra por los consejos que me diste!

El mérito es tuyo.

Very talented! Congrats!

thanks for your compliment!

Brillante trabajo, te felicito, muy buen acabado, feliz tarde

Gracias @carolinaidrogo, pronto si dios quiere subiré otro retrato!

que bueno entonces en espera del próximo, saludos cordiales

Hola! que buen trabajo, me ha gustado mucho, tienes un gran talento! Te felicito!

hola! muchas gracias amigo, eso ya me lo han dicho mucho, pero aun no me lo creo jejeje XD

beautiful gril and painting follow now

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