Introducing my Grandma Jann Harmon and her incredible paintings!

in #art8 years ago

People Often ask me why I started painting and what has inspired me throughout my art "career" (if you can call it that.)  Although I have many inspirations, my Grandma is definitely my number 1!

She actually prefers to be called "Grrrrrrrrandmama." It's been fun trying to teach my 2 year old how to roll her "r's" in order to properly relay the perfect pretentious tone. :)

My Grandma has been a freelance Graphic Designer most of her life and has had some major success with clients such as Mercedes and Mrs. Fields.  It wasn't until a little later in life that she decided to truly dive into painting.  

Her talent is incredible!  

I have always wanted to be able to create portraits but just can't ever get them right, because of this, I have always admired artists who specialize in capturing the personality of people.  Being that portraits are what she excels in, I guess you could say I'm a little biased (aside from the fact that she's my grandma of course.)

I could go on and on about her but I can feel her getting embarrassed already so I will just get straight to the presentation of her lovely pieces of art!  


And now, for the woman of the hour....My gram, Jann Harmon!

I'm pretty sure she passed down her love of wine to me in addition to the love of art.

Thanks so much for reading!  I will make sure to pass on any comments, compliments, favorite pieces etc... to her. :)

You can follow me and my art here....

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