Creating Elite Players: Newsletter Day 4

in #art2 years ago (edited)

This time it feels different.

In marketing Music Entrepreneur HQ, I used to be preoccupied primarily with traffic and engagement. The logic was this. If I got more traffic, I'd have more people join my email list. Then, I'd be able to convert more people into paying customers.

Blunt force trauma, I was able to grow the website to over 800 visits per day. Email list growth surged. Conversion rate was low, but sales also went up.

Sadly, it was nothing like I had envisioned. I was grateful for the growth, but it wasn't leading to the kind of results I had been working so hard for, especially on a financial level.

It's taken me a while to recognize that it's not all about traffic. Yes, you need some traffic, preferably lots of traffic. But it must be the right kind of traffic, and you must be able to get the right message in front of them. Otherwise, it will not lead to meaningful business results.

In all the time I spent trying to create definitive, viral, shareable, epic content, only a handful of pieces ever had much of an impact on my business. In the thousands of times I've gone up to bat, I've only hit it out of the park a handful of times. Although I'm starting to put more effort into learning what sharable content is, I still think it's a game of sheer determination. The more times you go up to bat, the greater the chance you will create something that connects with people.

As I've been getting into the Elite Players: Newsletter launch campaign, I've been thinking less in terms of traffic, subscribers, or sales. I've been thinking more in terms of customer journey. What pieces of content should I put in front of people as we approach launch date? How can I answer objections in advance? Who can I connect with? Most importantly, how can I be of service, and how can I add value to everyone that interacts and engages with me? Making a difference for people is what I'm here to do.

Most people would probably say I'm insane doing what I'm doing right now. They'd be asking themselves why I'm prioritizing the specific platforms I'm prioritizing, what and when I'm posting, and why there aren't any aggressive calls to action.

All I can say is I'm following my gut. I'm following my impulses and instincts. I'm not getting distracted by what others say or think. I'm not getting sucked in by shiny objects. I'm doing exactly what I think I should be doing.

This time is different.

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