Apolymask episode 01 Introduction.

in #art8 years ago

Hey again everyone.. I just uploaded the first episode of a new Vlog type series I've been working on titled "Apolymask".

The concept I have is basically something kind of like "Anonymous" or "V for Vendetta" where I will rant or talk about different subjects I find interesting. I will likely often rant about politics and other things like I usually do in text. And I plan on wearing a different mask in each episode as well.

It's probably going to suck at first, but I want to be a movie maker so I'm trying to grow and learn and I'm looking at more ways to improve my movie making skills and a lot of people are doing these Vlog kinda things these days, so it's really not very unusual at all.

Anyways.. I'd be very appreciative if you could show some support and if you watch it, please share any thoughts you might have. (PM is fine if you don't wanna public comment) Whether good things, or bad things. I can handle criticism as long as you're respectful about it! In fact I do want criticism.. Cause I want to get better, and.. One of the best ways to get better is to listen to what other people are telling you, even if sometimes it's not so flattering.

PS I know I'm a bit monotone at times and I'm working on it.

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