[En&Es]Some of My Daily Practices - Algunas de mis Prácticas Diarias - 2

in #art7 years ago

Hi Everybody !

Hola a Todo el Mundo!


Little present for my girlfriend.
Un pequeño presente para mi novia.

I haven't been posting lately, but that doesn't mean that I didn't practice or anything like that. Actually the opposite! Unfortunately life happens, and death as well... my girlfriend's grandmother passed away, plus some other issues as her injuries and mine, plus a bad diet and less training because of these things. All this made from my days to be a little bit off and depressed. But life goes on and we have to always keep moving!

No he estado escribiendo ningún post últimamente, pero eso no significa que no he estado practicando o nada parecido. De hecho fue lo opuesto! Desafortunadamente algunas cosas han estado ocurriéndome/nos... la abuela de mi novia falleció, más otros problemas tales como su herida en la rodilla y la mía, más una mala dieta, menos entrenamiento debido a estas heridas. Todas estas cosas hicieron que mis días fueran un poco más apagados y tristes. Pero la vida continúa y siempre debemos mantenernos en movimiento y salir adelante!

Still, these were also the reasons why this passed weekend instead being super productive, me and my girlfriend decided to play video-games together so we both could stop focusing on the bad things and try to put our mind in white page mode.

Aún así, por estas cosas fue que este fin de semana que transcurrió, en lugar de ser super productivo, mi novia y yo decidimos jugar a video-juegos juntos, así ambos podríamos dejar de concentrarnos en las cosas malas que nos han estado sucediendo y así poner nuestra mente en blanco por unos días.

After this weekend my drawing started to look way better, but disclaimer: All drawings and practices you are about to see are from before this weekend.

Luego del fin de semana, mis dibujos empezaron a verse mejor. Aún así: Los dibujos y prácticas que están por ver son previos al fin de semana.

A little bit of insight:

Siendo un poco objetivos...

I decided that what was failing at most on my practices was the structure. And in order to represent a good structure you gotta understand and define in a better way the planes of a volume. My planes were just too off and I didn't really understand the construction of a face, therefore I couldn't draw it properly or "believable". I got pretty much better since I did those studies, probably tomorrow I will show you. But let's see the process at the moment:

El problema mas grave de mis dibujos y prácticas era la estructura. Y para poder representar una buena estructura en el papel o lienzo digital debemos entender mejor y aprender a definir de una mejor manera los planos de un volumen. Mis planos estaban siendo demasiado mal logrados y poco entendidos, es por ello que no lograba comprender (y aún sigo intentándolo) la construcción del rostro, por ello mismo no pude dibujar apropiadamente o de manera "creíble" ninguna cara o rasgo. Veamos el proceso:


Thanks a lot for your support and I see you in the next one!

(All the images are my own creation and therefore I own their rights)


I always try to listen to the ideas of my fellow followers to improve my posts and to give something back to the community... therefor: What would you like the next posts to be about? What should I talk about? What kind of painting? Would you like some tutorials about arts, about cooking? Maybe some fresh gaming broadcast? I would love to know!

I apologize if I don't reply to your message. Sometimes I can't find enough time for it. But you can be sure that I will read it!



u got new fan here,,

I hope you come back @anritco I've been looking daily, and hope you're gonna be just fine!

@anritco great sketches. Really liked ur work 😀 cheers

that is just amazing man!
keep working hard you are wonderful artist

I like to see an in-game character, your picture is amazing @anritco, I think you'll be cool if you make a comic, because Asian people almost average really like comics.

Sorry to hear about your girlfriends grandmother. Every single one of us has down days and by definition they allow us to define and enjoy the updays which are coming your way 100%

Great drawings and thanks for the post xx

mourn the death of his grandmother. hopefully charity worship can be accepted

Wow this is amazing

I wish i could draw like that.

Nice paint well done

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