Playing Video Games can Boost Brain Power

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Playing Video Games can Boost Brain Power



Found by scientists at Queen Mary University of London and University College London, certain types of video games can help set the brain as a whole and improve strategic thinking.

Two groups of volunteers were trained to test different versions of a real-time strategy game called StarCraft. It is a fast-paced game where players have to build and organize armies to fight an enemy. A third group was formed to test a life simulation game called The Sims, which does not require much memory or many tactics.

All volunteers played video games for 40 hours in six weeks and underwent a series of psychological tests before and after. All participants were women as they were unable to find enough male volunteers that played video games for less than two hours a week. This is actually really funny.

Specialists Viewpoint

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The researchers found that those who were playing Star Craft were faster and more accurate in performing tasks and had more cognitive flexibility than those who played The Sims.

Television and video games can be a powerful educational tool, more emphasis on video games because they have three special features.

First off, the child is not just a spectator, but he or she interacts and becomes the main player of the game. The game gets the full attention of the player and has a positive reinforcement to the action taken immediately.

According to the study at Queen Mary University of London and University College London, the lead author Dr. Brian Glass mentioned that previous research had shown that action video games "can accelerate decision-making." However, it has now gone a bit further, and it was found that the strategy "can promote the ability to think on the fly and learn from the mistakes of the past.”

Other Research


A study by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) has shown evidence that computer games stimulate the intelligence of players increasing their fluid knowledge such as their ability to solve problems, create tactics, and adapt.

Although the research cited belongs to the military sector and that the primary purpose of the acquired knowledge about the potential of video games is used to improve strategies to combat soldiers, it can also be applied to the general population.

Today, it is still common to hear parents complaining that their children spend hours in front of a screen playing without considering that it is enhancing their cognitive skills among others.

In the US, it was found that more children are likely to learn by playing video games. We see this in their amazing first use of iPads which later evolve on to proper video games later on in their life. This is very useful for society because when these little ones grow, they can make more accurate and agile decisions in both home and work environments. Further findings have concluded that students who spend the night at a computer can also be positive.

Gamers now have a good excuse to spend hours playing video games as these studies have shown that playing video games not only has positive effects on cognitive skills but also makes their reflexes better and faster.

Steemians, I don't mean to encourage gaming. I only want to find the answer that everyone hopes for! Remember to take breaks in between, friends. Happy gaming!



I know what I'm doing tonight! hahaha

Today, it is still common to hear parents complaining that their children spend hours in front of a playing without considering that it is actually enhancing their cognitive skills among others.

Some social skills can't be refined with games so there is a fine line. As with all things, moderation is best.

Great article!

@jrswab Apparently I haven't played enough games recently missing words like screen in my sentences. I agree that some social skills can't be. There's another side to that how you can actually make friends and retain them regardless of financial, political, religious, race, or gender affiliation. Usually people rank their friends just based on skill levels. Wanting to play with this higher level skilled, or the most fun players.

Should I do some research or work on some interesting project in my spare time?

... Just one more turn in TW Warhammer II :P

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