A Bit 'MORE' About Old 'AngryMan'...

in #art6 years ago

This post has been a long time in consideration, and I've finally been able to convince myself to make it for the better understanding of who I may be and where my head has traveled throughout my existence here on the planet; this time around... Mostly for my few friends/followers that I've interacted with in the past, and...the 'new' friends too.

I've been hiding stuff...

This is me, when I'm supposed to be working on a house, but got carried away with an impromptu sculpture.

Even though most of my writing on steemit has been about my experiences in the past relating to Mob stories and Military service, with a little day-to-day experiences kicked in; there is another 'side' to me (in a sense)

Besides having been an off-and-on again 'professional writer' of sorts over the years, I have dabbled in the 'arts' as a painter and illustrator. My works (mostly oil paintings) have been done primarily out of love for the medium, and I have had moderate success in earning a little money at times through the sale of some works.

Artists are known to be a bit 'quirky' and not necessarily good business people when it comes to promoting their own works for a living...I'm not different in that respect, I guess, I'd much rather 'create' art rather than promote my stuff. For this reason, most "financially successful" artists have acquired devout benefactors, mentors and/or representatives of various types.

Although I have paintings sold to collectors in other States, and other Countries...most of my works have been given as gifts to friends and relatives or remain in my hands. I imagine that 'income' from my art would have been greater if I'd stuck to it as a primary profession, but I 'haven't...

Emptyness - Oil on Canvass

The reason?

I'm too erratic in my behavior due to perhaps 'too many' interests which pull at me and lead me astray...like writing...building...music creation...fitness...photography...nature...baking...fine furniture restoration...gardening/growing food...herbal medicine...and...and...(the list goes on...)

Now, don't forget...I'm almost seventy years old...so, I have a lot of time under my belt to have been indulged to some extent with all of these things. I've started and ended at least four different businesses, mostly started on a shoe-string budget and ending during economic downturn, or just plain 'loss of interest'...

I've worked independently, as a freelance 'this-or-that'...had jobs privately, and within almost 'every' level of government (City, State, Federal) with different titles and functions...I've been on the inside 'and' the outside of things...Never a 'brown nose' and 'never' sacrificing my 'personal' moral compass at the request or demand of another; hence...my repetitive conflicts with authority figures...

Another painting of an authority figure (Portrait)

I was born in 'The Year of the Tiger' and I'm an 'Aries'...so...my nature has always been..."Don't fuck with me, and I won't fuck with you"; or, "Don't fuck with me, and you'll be safe..."

Tigers are a bit independent in nature; Aries (the Ram) are leaders rather than followers...I guess those descriptions somewhat apply to me. Looking back, I 'am' those things...(for better or worse)

I'm kind to animals; could never hunt for the sake of 'just' hunting, but could kill if I need to (hunger or protection) and not just for 'me'...to feed or protect others as well. These days, I get along with animals much better than I do with 'human' creatures on a one-to-one personal level...most of the time.

I'm more comfortable in the woods than I am in the City...and, perhaps strange because I was born and raised in one of the largest "concrete jungles" of the world: New York City...but, I came to realize how un-natural and unhealthy big City life is.

I've been called a 'healer' at times after managing to formulate an herbal concoction which greatly benefited someone suffering from a serious ailment; even having at least three 'medical doctors' ask me for the medicine...for themselves or a loved one.

I've been called a "thinker" by some... Some have told me that "you think too much" One guy once told me that I 'think too much, and it'll drive me crazy..." but, he didn't know that I was already crazy...and couldn't stop thinking...

I've been called a lot of things...some of which are true, some of which are not...just like many of you probably have experienced from the lips of mere mortals...

Some may have referred to me as multi-talented, or a "Renaissance man"...some may have referred to me as a useless bum...and they might be right about the 'bum' part...but, I've never been useless...

I am...just 'me'...AngryMan...the name behind the name of which I choose to remain hidden for reasons most of you can understand, here on Steemit. One day I might feel comfortable enough to divulge my 'legal/real' name feeling safe enough to do so...maybe not. After all...I do bring up things from the past that some people (if still alive) might look to retaliate for, even though I usually 'change' the names and places of them out of respect.

So, here's just a little bit more about me that some might find interesting. It is also a way to announce that I'll probably begin posting a more variety of articles in the near future, to break the monotony (my own monotony)

That's it for now...I 'DO' appreciate all you guys who show some love and support...This place called Steemit, ain't all that bad...

I'm outta here.


Another Exceedingly, Excellent Expose' by AngryMan Oct. 23, 2018


This was a really nice "get to know you" post. Some of us, like me, are new followers. Nice to meet ya!

Thank you @squirrelbait ... Nice getting to know you as well. These things I posted about myself today are 'new' things about me which I've not mentioned previously.

Ah, well this is a good place to be yourself. Trust me....I'm Squirrel Bait and I am quite comfortable on this platform.

Thank you @ocd for the recognition once again; it is greatly appreciated, and encouraging.

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