The Art of War

in #art5 years ago


Hello greetings today we start with a truck full of flavor, Venezuelan as it is chocolates Savoy the best chocolate in Venezuela and some of the. The best of the world as our cocoa is a few months ago I did, a story about him and I help some friends for their preparation and how to plant it. Yesterday while going out for a spin I have given myself a taste, from a pump full of Nutella this is the glory of truth I already believe. From now on you can give yourself a few tastes from time to time.


Sir Winston S. Churchill

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during World War II

  • "Victory is a beautiful, bright and colorful flower. Transport is the stem without which it could never have flowered. "


Here a truck of war with these trucks the government of Venezuela, wants to go to the war with the USA hahaha this causes me a great laugh. Since Venezuela what it has are militiamen that is to say a thousand old people, part pure drunk and starved in the videos. They spend in the practices of war as Venezuelan they shame me these 'Chaburros, until pity they give to see them many have fainted. In practices and thus want to go to face another nation, in particular since 2014 I would love a military intervention. To see what these soldiers are made of, they will do the same as with the students and if they are so handsome, hahaha.


Sun Tzu

General, military and Chinese philosopher, author of "The Art of War" (6th century BC)

  • "The factors in the art of war are: first, the calculations; second, the quantities; third, logistics; fourth, the balance of power; and fifth, the chances of victory are based on the balance of power. "

  • "The line between order and disorder lies in logistics."


Here the mail cart was one of what I expected, every 15 days since my father did not live with us and he sent us things that we needed by mail since he lived far away. His way of compensating us was with gifts by mail or he came to visit us, from time to time but not all the time on vacation we went to where he was. Very little since we had a stepbrothers and a stepmother witch, but we were the elders so he could not do anything to us. Nothing but to get away from dad but he was always there for us and I appreciate that, even though you are no longer in this astral plane wherever you are thanks.


Alejandro Magno

King of the Macedonian Empire (356 BC - 323 BC)

  • "My logisticians are a group with no sense of humor. They know that if my campaign fails, they will be the first ones I kill. "


They say the Caraqueños of the old school who did not ride on these buses, they are not Caracas, they are not a lie and many have never seen them in their lives. I like that I saw them more I have not ridden later if I will show you one that we all had, the joy of riding or at least seeing them from afar is a great icon of public transport. From our capital we will see if anyone here rode in this red via San Martín, Antimano. I did not since I had nothing to do for those places.


Special World War II

  • Few battles have marked both the history and the public imagination as the Second World War. Truffled by well-remembered characters, both for the good and the bad, it also left a trail of appointments that highlighted the growing importance of logistics for the success of any company, whether or not war.


Already to finish with a truck system for me still, it should be operative it looks modern not so old school. I also want to make a call to all of us since we must conserve, our museums or parks since lately they have gotten to steal. Parts of these classic cars that have a lot of time and are an invaluable heritage for us, would not like to go back and see these relics destroyed or in garbage cans. Since it is not the idea, like the whole community in general, to conserve all these spaces and preserve them for future generations of historians and without anything else to say a big hug we continue reading.


Adolf Hitler

German dictator during World War II

  • "To fight, we must have oil for our machinery."

Joseph Stalin

Dictator of the USSR during World War Il

  • "The war was decided by engines and octane".



All the photos were taken by my phone and edited by Photoshop Express.


nice shots and i liked the title :)

thanks you my friend have a great day ✌👍🤗

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