The portrait is ready. This couple thanked me for the work. They all like mad. For the artist, this is important)

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Hello my dear friends! I drew a portrait of lovers.

I did not finish the stroke, because I wanted to show the result to the followers.

The girl ordered this portrait from me. She wanted to make something special for her birthday bakery. So she turned to me. I gladly started drawing a portrait.

This girl is very good, she trusted me. Agreed right away with my opinion as it will be better, for example, what flowers or colors to choose.

She loves everything madly.

She said that no one would do me better.

For the artist, this is important)

I added watercolor pencils for detailing small facial features, hair, colors.

 Я добавила акварельные карандаши для детализации мелких черт лица, волос, цветов. 

Привет мои дорогие друзья! Я нарисовала портрет влюбленных.

Я не дорисовала обводку, потому что хотела скорее показать последователям результат.

Девушка заказала у меня этот портрет. Она хотела порадарить пкарню на день рождения что-то оригинальное. Поэтому она обратилась ко мне. Я с удовольствием взялась рисовать рисовать портрет. 

Эта девушка очень хорошая, она доверяла мне. Согласилась сразу с моим мнение как будет лучше, например, какие цветы или цвета выбрать. 

Ей все безумно нравится.

Сказала что лучще меня никто бы не сделал.

Для художника это главное )


Хорошая работа.

Just great you look like a professional artist
Keep up your admirable work my friend:)
I m also doing sketching drawing and painting:)
I'll be very thankful to you if you upvote my work I m a newbie just joined this platform about 2 weeks ago:)
Follow me @anvesha

Hey, I am also artistically active and new here ^_^

Glad to meet you! :)

Nice to hear that from you

@andrianna Thank you for your work, I invite you to evaluate my work.

Thank you! with pleasure!

woowww very awsom drawing..!😍
my friend good hard working and very very beautifull art i like all art and drawing 😍😍
keep it up😍

many thanks! beautiful nature in Pakestan and yellow flowers!

thanku thanku and always beeeee happy my swweeett friend..! @andriana 😍

You are beautiful and so are these drawings 😊

haha, thank you! you have beautiful photos. especially I like autumn

Thank you so much.
That is Nishat (kashmir valley)

I Love it.... beautiful picture and coooolll @andrianna

many thanks!

Mention in Steemit - cool post

well done @andrianna, you have a real talent!

many thanks! you caught a big fish catch!

It looks stunning !

thank you!
Expressionism for the first time - cool

Amazing post, a pleasure reading your post again @andrianna great drawing and painting,
you have a lot of creativity, it's a beautiful picture, you're so beautiful, thanks for sharing us your daily and life's experience, I need your help in these difficult times, I would appreciate if you giving her a look at my last post and leave me your comment, greetings and success in everything!


its amazing art work , you are so talented,

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