in #art6 years ago

Works of one series, there will be only 3 of them. The secret of the works will be told at the end. But while the former is called "life," the sketch called "fading" (preliminary) 

Soon I will create a sketch of the third picture of this series.

Let's talk on this topic:

Why are all the world-class artists men?

- In my opinion, the answer is hidden in the historical context. Here there is the lack of rights of women and the problem of their implementation. They simply did not have the opportunity to express themselves, although many educated ladies at that time were engaged in creativity. Despite this, their duty is to engage in family and home, and not give themselves to creativity and to the whole world to declare themselves. Those who went beyond were worthy of blame. This is society. But now the situation has changed dramatically. Of all the contemporary artists on which I subscribed in social networks, 95% are girls. I almost do not know good male artists. Really. For them it is not fashionable. Some can even make fun of it.

 Работы одной серии, их будет всего 3. Секрет работ расскажу в конце. Но пока первая называется «жизнь», набросок назвала «затухание» (предварительно )

 скоро создам эскиз третьей картины этой серии.

Давайте поговорим по этой теме:

Почему все художники мирового уровня - мужчины?

- По-моему мнению, ответ скрыт в историческом контексте. Здесь возникает бесправность женщин и проблема их реализации. У них просто не было возможности заявить о себе, хотя многие образованные дамы в те времена занимались творчеством. Несмотря на это, их обязанность – заниматься семьей и домом, а не отдаваться творчеству и на весь мир заявлять о себе. Те, кто выходили за рамки, были достойны лишь порицания. Таково общество.Зато сейчас ситуация кардинально изменилась. Из всех современных художников, на которых я подписана в социальных сетях 95% – девушки. Я практически не знаю хороших мужчин-художников. Серьёзно. Для них это – не модно. Некоторых даже могут высмеять.


omg.... its beautifull... congrats

many thanks!

Amazing art @andrianna,i like it.

I'm glad that you like my art

Visit my account @andrianna,i like paint.

Really love your linework and blending! Followed and resteemed! :)

Mind blowing art mam...

hehe) many thenks!

Wow, that is a nice one @andrianna you are good.

Congratulations mam?Is in Russia,such beautiful art are taught in school or you have something specialized in it.
I also,tried sometimes,but after some day I forget what I learned and the most Problematic is the colour combination.
I have just finished, an art for my mom's school as she needed tomorrow.

Stunning picture. You are very talented.

Certainly many times they do not give him the merits they deserved
More women also have great talents and at the moment we are living now there are still many who do not value them!
waiting to see the result of the drawing. @andrianna

Hello, Andrianna.
I really like your bolg, you have great pictures and posts ...
You are very interesting to tell in your posts .., I like ..
Good luck in everything and inspiration ...

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