It looks unreal cool 😻 work is not finished yet!

in #art5 years ago

It looks unreal cool 😻 work is not finished yet!

Thank you @nestandart_art for such unrealistically cool and atmospheric references! And I also like the freedom of choice offered by the organizers to the participants of the marathon ☺️ #nestandart_art # nestandart_art_2

Before / after the artist

Rather, scroll down 🙊

Theme of the job is heterochromia.

When the task appeared with this ref, I wanted to show myself and you what level I achieved in 3.5 years. It is possible and better for such a longer period, but at least some positive dynamics pleases 😻

But before I could not even think that I would draw like that 😸

Insanely grateful to the organizers of the marathon, because they unwittingly helped me to understand that I in my work do not stand still, I develop and I have something to strive for ❤️

Well, the years of "training" was not wasted

 Model: @gmentezi

До/после художника 🙊

Позже я поделюсь готовым результатом и своей старой работой этой же модели.

Тема задания гетерохромия.

Когда появилось задание с этим рефом, захотелось показать себе и вам, какого уровня я добилась за 3,5 года. Можно и лучше за такой больший период, однако радует хоть какая-то положительная динамика 😻 

А ведь раньше я и подумать не могла, что буду так рисовать  😸

Безумно благодарна организаторам марафона, ведь они невольно помогли мне понять, что я в своём творчестве не стою на месте, я развиваюсь и мне есть к чему стремится ❤️

Ну что, годы «тренировок» не прошли впустую

Model: @gmentezi


Hi Aliona, we have a few questions for you:

  1. Who is this @nestandart_art user you mention? it doesnt seem to exist in steem
  2. What are these hashtags #nestandart_art # nestandart_art_2 you mention? They dont seem to exist in steem
  3. Please cite your !sources as you were asked by SteemCleaners, you need to link to the photograph you are tracing.


  1. I am Alena!
  2. Of course not, they are on instagram!
  3. reconsider my post again maybe you will find it.
    Although hardly, I vsegolish 2 times mentioned a link to the model!
  4. You do not belong to the Steemсleaners community, so do not embroil them!

Hi Alena,

  1. If the source you are copying is from instagram you need to link to the instagram image
    tagging someone with @ in steemit redirects your viewers to that user name in steemit, not in instagram.

  2. A link to the model is not what you need to cite, you need to cite a link to the image you are copying, additionally that picture is copyrighted so you need permission from the author to make derivative works with the intent to monetize them. The fact that there is a contest in instagram doesnt justify you to post it on steemit, as you might know instagram is not monetized, you are monetizing the derivative work by posting it in steemit.

  3. Of course JF does not belong to SteemCleaners, but that doesn't make what SteemCleaners told you any less important or valid. Here is what you were told by SteemCleaners:

If you insist on defying the clear instructions you were given we will report you for Art Plagiarism to SC as well as contact the authors of the images you have been plagiarizing here for a long time so that DMCA take down notices are issued and your posts taken down from Steemit and the other frontends, please comply.

@steemflagrewards flagged for art paraphrasing


When posting content that either is owned by someone else or inspired by someone else’s works, it is proper to list the said source in your post with a link to the original.

Failing to do so is considered plagiarism, and could result in being blacklisted by curation groups or even flagged.

Examples include:

  • Using another artist's original drawing/painting/digital art as a “study” or inspiration without linking the original and giving credit to the original artist.
  • Linking to someone else’s YouTube video with no source.
  • Using someone else’s photos or text without linking to the original source etc.

Please make sure you do so in the future, thank you.

If you understand the rules explained in this comment reply to this comment with "I understand"

When posting content that either is owned by someone else or inspired by someone else’s works, it is proper to list the said source in your post with a link to the original.

Failing to do so is considered plagiarism, and could result in being blacklisted by curation groups or even flagged.

Examples include:

  • Using another artist's original drawing/painting/digital art as a “study” or inspiration without linking the original and giving credit to the original artist.
  • Linking to someone else’s YouTube video with no source.
  • Using someone else’s photos or text without linking to the original source etc.

Please make sure you do so in the future, thank you.

If you understand the rules explained in this comment reply to this comment with "I understand"

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