Forest. My watercolor art

in #art6 years ago

Recently such practice has developed, that I absolutely can not refuse people in their orders. 😣 If there is not even time, I will sleep 3 hours a day, but I will draw. Wrong, there must be a very weighty reason for me not to take up someone's order. And the meaning is sometimes not at all in money. After all, if a person turned to me, then he is interested in my work and he needs my work, which is always incredibly pleasing, well, how can I refuse? But, alas, then you can not realize your own ideas. Here you have two sides of the same coin 🙈

Materials: watercolor and watercolor paper "White Nights", acrylic white Ladoga.

Последнее время сложилась такая практика, что я абсолютно не могу отказать людям в их заказах. 😣 Если даже времени не будет - буду спать 3 часа в сутки, но нарисую. Неверное, должна быть очень весомая причина, чтобы я не взялась за чей-то заказ. И смысл порой вообще не в деньгах. Ведь если человек обратился ко мне, значит ему интересно мое творчество и ему нужна именно моя работа, а это всегда невероятно радует, ну и как тут отказать? Но, увы, потом не получается реализовать собственные идеи. Вот вам и две стороны одной медали 🙈 

Материалы: акварель и акварельная бумага "Белые ночи", акрил белый Ладога.


painting is very amazing friend, hope you always success yes, if there is time upvote and reestem.

I am fan your art. I want this art. So beautiful art. Keep work and I wish you will be a great artist one day.

I'm glad you like it! Thank you very much for your kind words!


Hey there @adrianna , we would love to have you on board of For more information and a detailed PDF, please drop us a mail: [email protected]. We do not like to make public infos yet (:

a very beautiful painting, I really like it, if there is time please help me please visit my blog @andrianna

this art of forest painting is very amazing, hopefully you always success yes, I hope you enjoy my post kawan yes

I hope you always succeed yes, I will always support you

An upvote from me !!!

This is really beautiful, well done!

This painting immediatelly captured my attention in the list of posts. Great color choice for my taste.

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