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RE: The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

in #art6 years ago

Hi @xpilar

Al final

Puedo ver el sol frente a mí a través de las nubes, siento mi cuerpo ligero elevarse, sin ataduras, sin preocupaciones, sin peso. Los problemas que me agobiaron se han ido, la falta de agua, de comida, el intenso dolor de mis heridas vísceras, el miedo a los ruidos que me atormentaban en las noches, todo se ha ido, me siento libre de todo, es como si hubiese perdido significado, importancia. Miro hacia abajo y bajo mis pies puedo ver los restos del bote, en la playa de aquella isla que por meses me había dado cobijo, unos metros más allá mi precario refugio, hecho de ramas y una lona, frente a él el humo de la fogata, ahora extinta, y a su lado yo, o lo que solía ser yo, acurrucado inmóvil.

In the end

I can see the sun in front of me through the clouds, I feel my light body rise, without ties, without worries, without weight. The problems that overwhelmed me are gone, the lack of water, food, the intense pain of my viscera wounds, the fear of the noises that tormented me at night, everything is gone, I feel free of everything, it's like if it had lost meaning, importance. I look down and under my feet I can see the remains of the boat, on the beach of that island that for months had given me shelter, a few meters away my precarious shelter, made of branches and a canvas, in front of him the smoke of the fire, now extinct, and beside him me, or what used to be me, huddled immobile.

It does not matter if you read the newest or the oldest first, there is only one left.


Hi @amart29

Thank you for your thoughts and description, I like it

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