How Travelling Changes You and Why You Should Do It More Often

in #art8 years ago

The thrill of going somewhere new, the excitement of having new experiences, now ain't that something ?

First, travelling shows you there is so much more to life rather than just getting caught in the daily cobwebs. It adds meaning to life. Going to different places, meeting so many people with diverse backgrounds and cultures, the opportunity to have countless experiences and memories, now that's called LIVING!

It broadens your perspective, takes you away from all the stress and workload in your life, making it worthwhile. Just stop for a while and imagine.. What if someone just gave you tickets to a place that you would love to go, wouldn't that be amazing? Packing all your stuff, that rush of happiness in you, it's one of the best feelings EVER!

Image Credits: Pixabay

One of the best things about travelling is that it pulls you away from all the tech, those things which are hard to put away... I mean, who would have time to check their phones when you are standing there, being at the awe of the moment, gazing at something so phenomenal? You learn to live in the moment, admire something or someone for what it is.

For those who travel, it becomes how they live. Not travelling is just like being in a library, surrounded by all these epic books (which you know are epic) and yet choosing not to read them! Travellers just can't seem to get enough of it. That's the beauty of it. Once you start exploring, every experience leaves you wondering about what's next! You start appreciating things, understanding more, becoming grateful, happy and moreover it converts you into a storyteller...;)

In a nod to the wonderful thing that is travelling, I made this painting that for me speaks a lot about it's joys and adventure.


Yeah travelling is good as it makes a person relax and helps drains it worries and stress in the daily work. Problem may not be totally gone but somehow travelling will teach your mine how to handle it.

Totally agreed!

Travellers are happy individuals.

Oh you're hooked now!
As a seasoned traveler myself, I totally get what you mean.
But what's really cool, is when you travel back somewhere, like your home town. And you find that it's actually a beautiful place, and you never appreciated it when you were there.
I'm hoping Steemit will help me make the money I need to do all the traveling I want to do. and that's a lot!

I am sure it will :)

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