Friday's Thursday doodle ;D : Psych (with process)

in #art7 years ago

Friday's Thursday doodle ;D : Psych (with process)


Sono abbastanza sicuro di non essere l'unico cui piace il telefilm. I due (quasi) detective sono spesso di buon umore e con i loro esilaranti riferimenti a film famosi sono in grado di regalare un momento di evasione e divertimento. Ecco quindi un piccolo tributo alla serie.


I'm pretty shure I'm not the only one here liking the TV show. The two (almost) detectives are often in a good mood and with theyr hilarious reference to famous movies are able to give a moment of evasion and fun. So here's a little tribute to the serie.

Here's just a little sneak peak of the final result ;D


1.Dopo aver trovato un'immagine che voglio prendere come riferimento, inizio a lavorare sulla struttura. Traccio l'orizzonte per la prospettiva e cerco di trovare le posizioni dei personaggi. Subito dopo inizio ad aggiungere qualche dettaglio

1. After finding an image I wanna refer to, I start to explore the structure. I trace the horizon for perspective and I try find the right positions of the characters. After that I start to add some details.

2. Il prossimo passo è il "clean-up". Prendo un nuovo foglio e con l'aiuto di una lavagna luminosa ricalco quelle che considero le linee definitive. Appena dopo come potete vedere inizio a rafforzare le linee, questa volta con un color marrone! (Questo procedimento può essere fatto con l'inchiostro)

2. Next step is the "clean-up". I take a new sheet and with the help of a lightbox I trace what I consider to be my definitive lines. Just after that as you can see I start to strenght the outlines with a brown color this time! (This process may be done with ink)

3. Dopo "l'inchiostratura" inizio a lavorare sui dettagli e sui materiali.

3. After the "inking" part I start to work on details and "textures".

4. L'ultimo passaggio è di lavorare sulle ombre, per fare questo decido la provenienza della luce (potete vedere in alto a sinistra quello strano oggetto). E questo è il lavoro finito!

4. Last step is to work on shades, to do that I decide the light position (you can see it in the top left of the following picture). And this is the finished work!

PS this is my entry to #creativecomp by @sammosk!

Thanks for watching!

 You can also see my work at the following sites:

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llustrator, graphic designer

Outdoor adventurer

Folk and Blues enthusiast 

Team sports lover!


I've never seen this show but now I'll check it out.

What a great sketch and it is so cool to see the process!

Thanks! Yeah it's funny 😄

Great interesting to see the process...

Thanks! I'll try to post more process in the future

I love that you shared your process @airmatti. Your sketches and finished product have great composition and perspective. Thanks for sharing. Good luck in the contest.

Thank you! I appreciate a lot!

Indeed it's my pleasure @airmatti.

Great work! Truly!

Wonderful process and lovely piece of art!

My pleasure. ❤

This is indeed art, nice to see how this is build up. how the process is. Now I will check if I can find the detectives :-) Thanks for the blog

Thanks! You should if you wanna laugh a little 😄

watched the whole show nearly 3 times ... :D

Eheh I guess you had a lot of laughs!


Haha, this reminded me of

Really? 😁

This post has received a 0.52 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @airmatti.

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