Airbrush Portrait #7: Charlize Theron (ENG-ITA)

in #art7 years ago (edited)

There are some actors that you enjoy, others less. It depends only on how nice we consider them? Beautiful? How does it seem to play well? Maybe all of this, but sometimes, without realizing it, it also depends on which films they play. If the story leaves you a sign!
Today I present a portrait of an actress who certainly answers the "modern canons of beauty", and apart from that, she was a performer of films that I appreciated a lot. Among my favorites:

Charlize Theron is an actress born in South Africa and then naturalized American who has interpreted, in addition to those mentioned above, films of very different genres. From more challenging and real films (Monster, The boundary of loneliness, Young Adult) to science fiction, fantasy or more "mainstream" movies (like The wife of the astronaut, The Italian Job, Hancock, Fast & Furious 8, Prometeus, Snow White and the hunter). Marking his perfomances, his intensity, always present despite the various roles she played!

Alcuni attori ti piacciono, altri meno. Dipendo solo da quanto li reputiamo simpatici? Belli? Da come ci sembra recitino bene? Forse un po' di tutto questo, ma a volte, senza che ce ne rendiamo conto, dipende anche da quali film interpretano. Se la storia ti lascia il segno.
Oggi vi presento il ritratto di un'attrice che risponde sicuramente ai "canoni moderni di bellezza", e a parte questo, è stata interprete di film che ho apprezzato parecchio. Tra i miei preferiti:

Charlize Theron è un'attrice nata in Sudafrica poi naturalizzata statunitense che ha interpretato, oltre a quelli citati sopra, film di genere diversissimo. Da film più impegnativi e reali (Monster, Il confine della solitudine, Young Adult) a film di fantascienza, fantasy o comunque più "mainstream" ( La moglie dell'astronauta, The Italian Job, Hancock, Fast & Furious 8, Prometeus, Biancaneve e il cacciatore). Contraddistingue la sua recitazione l'intensità messa nonostante i ruoli così diversi!

Charlize Theron Airbrush Portrait
Ritratto ad areografo di airmatti ('08) | Airbrush portrait by Airmatti ('08)

Which are your favourite three movies with Charlize Theron? Let me know!

Quali sono i vostri tre film preferiti con Charlize Theron? Fatemelo sapere!


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Amazing rendering..and your talent keeps on spewing out....thanks!

Thanks to you!

Fantastic job!

Bellissimoo...bravo! Molto espressivo

Charlize Theron is an awesome actress. And your portrait is beautiful. Does total justice to her. Absolutely photo real . 😊...

Wow you are an incredible artist. I can only dream of making paintings that beautiful. You catched the look in her eyes so well.

Thank you! Well, she has a really intense look!

It's realy good artwork! Bravo! (;

Obrigado! :D

De nada! (;

Bellissimo, sei troppo bravo!

Con "troppo" mi hai criticato :D:D

It's insane that you can make paintings like this - it looks just like a photo ! How long does one painting take ?

Thanks! I've to say with airbrush it's hard to begin, but then it's kind of easyer to shade, beacuse the paint is sprayed out... They used it to retouch fotos when there wasn't computer graphic. I would say about 4/5 hours of work, but it depends on the subject....

That is a lot of time but well worth the effort when the final result is so nice

O no, it's unbelievable.

In fact, it's just a copy! :D :D

lol, but still nice.

Spettacolo! Sono rimasto incantato ad osservarlo, l'espressione, il dettaglio, sembrava parlarmi, veramente un ottimo lavoro.

Eheh grazie! Ma credo che in parte possa dipendere dal soggetto....

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