Traditional cooking style (Shan Noodle 2)

in #art7 years ago (edited)


Well, I guess you have got your ingredients yesterday.

Now, with few more steps, you can taste your noodle.

  1. Buy some raw Noodle from shop. ( you can buy it in any market in Myanmar. )
  2. grab some noodle as much as you can finish.
  3. sink your raw or dry Noodle in boiling water for about 10 seconds.

you may also sink some vegetables in boiling water for 10 seconds as well. (is your vegetables are hard to be cooked in 10 seconds, you can put it in longer) But make sure that you don't over cook them, if you do you will miss to taste its special original taste.

  1. after that, put some of your first main ingredient in. put some fried garlic oil in. and some chili of course if you like.
    Now your noodle is perfect.
    This is the special noodle which we call it Kao Soi Dai/ Shan Kauk Soi/ Yae Sein Kauk Soi.
    ** And if you want some soup in your noodle, you can cook some raw bones( with some meet attached) in water. put some ginger in.

You can have it now. THANKS

ကယ္ ... မေန့က ေခါက္ဆြဲ အတြင္ အဆာပလာေလးေတြေတာ့ ရပီထင္တာပဲ

သင္ ေခါက္ဆြဲေကာင္းေကာင္း တစ္ပန္းကန္ စားရေတာ့မွာပါ။.

ရွမ္းေခါက္ဆြဲကိုေတာ့ သင္ ေစ်းထဲမွာ ရွာဝယ္လို႕ ရပါတယ္ဈ။ ေရစိမ္ေခါက္ဆြဲလို႕လဲေခၚတယ္။ (အမၽွင္နည္းနည္းၾကီးပါတယ္)

၁) ေခါက္ဆြဲကို ေရေနြးဆူဆူမွာ ၁၀ စကၠန့္ေလာက္ စိမ္ပါ (ေပ်ာ့သည္ထိ) (မလြန္ပါေစနွင့္)
၂) ဟင္းရြက္မ်ားကိုလည္း အလားတူ စိမ္ပါ ( အက်က္မလြန္ပါေစနွင့္) ကိုက္လန္ဆို စကၠန့္ ၂၀ မ်ွ ) ေရြွပဲသီးရြက္ဆို ၁၀ စကၠန့္မ်ွ
၃) ပီးရင္ ေခါက္ဆြဲနဲ့ ဟင္းရြက္အတူထည့္ အေပၚကေန ပထမ အဓိက အဆာမလာထည့္။ ဆိခ်က္နည္းနည္းထည့္ ။ ငရုပ္သီးၾကိုက္ရင္ ငရုပ္သီးထည့္

ပီးရင္ စားလို့ပါပီ။ ဟင္းရြက္အရသာ အစစ္နဲ့အတူ ပူပူေနြးေနြးေခါက္ဆြဲတစ္ပန္းကန္။

ေခါက္ဆြဲကို ေရမ်ားမ်ားနဲ႕ စားခ်င္ရင္ေတာ့ ဝက္ရိုး သို့ ၾကက္ေၿခေတာက္၊ ေခါင္း၊ ေတာင္ပံ စသည္တို့ကို ဂ်င္းနွင့္ စပါးလင္ ေရာ၍ ၿပဳတ္ထားပါေလ ။
ထိုဟင္းကို ေခါက္ဆြဲပန္းကန္ထဲ ထည့္စားလည္းရ ။
တစ္ၿခားပန္းကန္ထဲ ထည့္ေသာက္လဲ ရပါတယ္

HFS: 47




ဒီလိုပဲ လုပ္စားေတာ့မယ္


Good post bro 😊😊😊

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