R2D2 my very first drawing of it - i got busted :-(

in #art7 years ago (edited)


As you know there are sites out there where you can purchase all kind of items with all kind of illustrations on them. I have seen people drawing copyrighted material all over the place. One day i see lots of Star Wars characters on these phone cases and pillowcases and whatnot. So i was like " oh what a great idea, i can do that! " So i did. You see the result below. Next thing i know i was reported to the Lucas "corporation"! Of course nothing happened, but my point is that i would have never thought of drawing a design like this if i didn't see others doing it !! They gave me the idea in the first place !!!
I still don't know how come they get away with it, but not me.
Not like i care to draw something like this again, since i have a pretty good imagination.

Anyway, that's what happened.




Happened to me a couple of times, both times only because of the title, not the artwork. Artists Rights flagged me on Zazzle for a work where I used the name Pablo in the title (Picasso, it did include a portrait of him after a photo from a book) and the other one from Max Ernst, just because I title a whole series of work "Decalcomania", which is a generic name for the technique. I cleared it up with them, and found they never even looked at the artwork, but had a robot launch the complaint.
Anyway, in your case, it might be sort of borderline "Fair Use"
PS: I did myself bust a user on Redbubble who just outright took a painting of mine and put it on tee-shirts and other merchandise. I blogged about it here some time ago. They took it down.

hi, thanks for writing your experience down for me!
So i guess there are other "victims" out there too ! :-)
Stealing someone else's artwork and using it to make profit is much worse.
Sorry it happened to you, good thing you caught him!
I know sometimes big companies take the chance and copy ideas from artist...they get into trouble too.
Sensitive subject it is .
Thanks again!

I have files on how artists get cheated by companies. Here is something to read that lists some things to be aware of - this is over 10 years old, but nothing has changed: SAY NO TO FREE ART - pay attention to item 6.
On Hyperallergic, this article from 2016 talks specifically about companies:
More Than 40 Artists and Designers Accuse Zara of Plagiarism
And finally, check out this flowchart: Should I work for Free?

this is done well , true art at its best, this is how you share talent and using this platform to express your gift , great work

thanks a lot!

@agneslaczo, this is so cute, and also interesting to hear this kind of information. I just wonder like you do, how those other passed by being reported?

i have no idea.. probably tagging was different.. i am not sure..
i was thinking about writing to them and ask them, but i didn't.
i moved on, and i draw my own creations. :-)

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