Being A Small Artist, Creator etc IS Hard

in #art6 years ago

In my defense. When you're a small artist with little to no following is very hard. I made a Twitter for my renders, photography, and cosplays and I am struggling to grow it. It looks like I get a little engagement on Instagram. Even then I struggle with my IG because I lose followers and I don't know what I am doing wrong. I also created an art store for my work and promoted it everywhere and no one is buying my art.
Here is my store if you're interested:

I can't seek advice from anyone because I have no following. I can't have people vote on what render I should make because I have no following. I don't have people commenting on my post and sharing, retweeting etc.

I also wrote a book about autism to showcase how we struggle on jobs and I can't get people to buy it.
You can get the book here if you're interested:

I even made it super cheap. I think it's hard as hell getting people to buy your work when you're very small. I also have no money to run ads to spread the word about my book. It sucks when you're broke and can't get a job and Steemit is your only money source.

I also need equipment for my Yt channels to make my videos better. I even created a Patreon and can't get people to donate. I tried to make rewards that I can promise. Patreon is great for creators to shoot towards their goals.
I can use the money I could earn not only for me but to help my folks.
It doesn't look like anyone is negotiating how to end this stupid gov shut down. We may not even get our food stamps for February. I have no idea what we're going to do. I guess I have to post more often so I can collect as much money as I can. Even if I can only collect enough to shop every 2 weeks. Sometimes being a small creator with no following can be rough if you hit a bump in life.

If art was an easy hobby/pasion, everyone would do it.

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