Artventure Contest: Acid rain | Watercolor.🎨.

in #art-venture5 years ago (edited)

CIMG1642 1.JPG

You may have heard about acid rain, but do you know what the effect really is?

This art publication is intended to raise awareness about a phenomenon that occurs more frequently in the world and is considered as the effect of climate change, where man is one of the causes.

Acid rain is a precipitation of water with precipitation with a high content of sulfuric and nitric acid.

This high concentration of acid is reflected in the rain, but also in the drizzle, fog, snow, hail.

This results in the bodies of water being affected and the ecosystem present in them (lakes, rivers, seas), in addition to vegetation, including plantations that have food for humanity.

What produces them? It is a product of the interaction in the environment of hydrocarbon combustion emissions with the presence of sulfur in its formulation.

An interesting question may arise in relation to this topic.

How to know if there is acid rain in your area?

Observe the vegetation in your area, take a rain sample and measure its ph, the ph of a rain in normal conditions is 5.6 if you observe lower pH values ​​4.2 and 4.4 in the presence of acid rain, the values ​​have been recorded of ph 3 similar to vinegar.

To expand your knowledge on the subject of links at the end of this publication.

Below I show you a photographic sequence of its preparation.

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

To make this painting, use the following materials and tools:

Materials and tools.
A piece of cardboard.
Pencil No. 4H.
Camera Casio exilim Z40

**All the photographs present in this publication are property of theonlyway, all rights reserved. **





Your post was upvoted by the @art-venture account after manual review and included in Art-Venture magazine. The upvote and support of Art-venture magazine would greatly appreciated!

Thank you for your participation and sharing your idea @theonlyway, I can remember hearing about acid rain many years ago first time that made me scared. Once it is in ecosystem, it may affect the whole living organisms.

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