Ideas for Losing Weight, Exercise, Slimming Belly Fat, Tummy, Waist, Arms, Women, Awesome over 50

in #arms5 years ago

Hey awesome ones. Heather here and you
know what? I am setting my sights on losing a little bit of weight and I'm
talking around the belly here. I think all of you guys know but your your tummy
and I don't know we just seem to get the weight going here for some reason. I
want to make sure that I lose a little bit here and other places too and maybe
tone up a little bit, but I'm going to do it without a gym membership, without a
personal trainer and without one of those big bulky expensive exercise
machines. How am I going to do that? I'll show you and it all starts in just a few
seconds. So I think the best way to lose a few
pounds and tone your body and all that sort of thing, it's just to make sure
that you're following a routine that well you actually want to follow and
also that you're being realistic. It's totally unrealistic for me to think of
having the body that I had when I was modeling in the 1980s. I think a lot of
you know that I was bulimic and it was not a healthy weight. If you are one of
those women who really does the bodybuilding and that kind of thing then
yeah okay that's a little different, but I'm talking about the everyday person the
everyday woman who wants to just get a little slimmer and a little bit trimmer.
And what I find is the best routine, is one that you're going to follow. I know
for a fact I'm not going to hang out at the local gym because I know my
daughters, I mean they're all there... they're like 20 year olds and they're
playing the big music and it's it's just not my environment anymore. And as
far as the big......I mean they really really impressed me those big exercise machines
that are so high-tech and they cost thousands of dollars and they're gonna
do wonders for you. I also know that those things are little clunky they're
not fitting into my downsized home anymore
and it's gonna end up probably being a nice looking clothes hanger for me. So
that's not gonna work. i really suggest and I think a lot of you know that I'm
63 years old and I want to find something that works into my day and
into my routine. Something that I'm going to do on a consistent basis and let's
start with number one. So here's number one of six tips. Toning
these flabby arms. My...what happened to my arms like okay I'm gonna try to do a
muscle here. I used to play competitive tennis and I
actually developed I think... Bill what do you call them?...cannons. Develop these
cannon forearms and over the years they have just turned like super flabby. I
don't like wearing short tops you know short sleeve tops anymore and so what
I'm going to do and I will be showing you what happens maybe six to eight
weeks later, but I'm going to start on a routine to get these toned and and
really get a little bit of muscle back into them. And if you're anything like me
you're sitting at a desk most of the day and I'm going to show you a few routines.
Now you can find routines on the internet, on YouTube where there's lots
of videos where the professionals are showing, but I'm just going to show you
something that I can do every single day just sitting at my desk. Now since I'm
not really delighted with the fact of going someplace and lifting 100-pound
weights with a spotter, I've decided to just have these little weights here and
I'm using the five-pound weights. I know a lot of people are saying you know go
for a 10 but to me this is this is comfy and I think that's the important
thing. You know make it comfortable on yourself and by the way we do have...since
I got my computer here...we do have an Amazon page now with awesome things that
we love and all you have to do with this..... I don't know if you can see this, but
just go to the...just for fun travel exercise recreation...and we'll have a lot
of the things that we have here on the video that we're showing and we'll also
put it in the links below as well. Let's just start with an exercise that's
pretty easy. All you do is you just sort of put your two dumbbells out here, I'm
going to call them dumbbells or weights or whatever and you do what it is called
kind of like a water pitcher kind of thing. Like pouring a water pitcher
and you could really feel the tightening in there and then you pour it out and
then you pour it in and then you pour it out and the nice thing about this is I
could be just you know looking at some emails or maybe I'm just sort of
checking the last video that we loaded and hardly takes any strain but you can
feel you can feel the burn, you can feel the burn. Let's show you one more. All
right for the second one I'm just going to show one arm. Obviously you should be
doing two arms or its gonna be really alot lopsided, but for this one I'm just going to
extend and again I might be watching one of my videos or checking out some emails
or something like that and so you're putting this up here. Then you're going
to extend...this is going to really help your triceps all along here. Help you to
get rid of some of that flab and move your palm upwards and do a little push
up like that and then back again all right. Change the palm push it up and
back again and if you want to know how many reps I do of these well let me tell
you. I don't count because I don't want to be doing that to myself. Maybe it's
starting to really hurt or maybe you know what I'm gonna do it as long as I'm
reading my emails. So number two is also to help you when you're sitting. Now you
saw me in the regular office chair but just to the side when I was doing those
exercises with the the little dumbbells there you'll see that I am sitting on a
very interesting...a little chair here and I'm going to show you some of the things
that I can do with this chair in just a second. So let me show you this chair.
It's a very special kind of chair. Right now it's in the locked position, but all
I have to do is put it in the unlock position and it goes like this. And
you're like...Heather...what the heck is that. Well let me show you what
this is. This is like a hula hoop and well if you're my age, you do remember
what the hula hoops were and check this out. It's like doing the hoola hoop while checking your emails you can be watching
you know in my particular case I'm checking out our videos how do they look
after Bill has edited them and sometimes they're going on for like 20 minutes. And
the thing I like about this is that you hardly even know that you're exercising
but you are giving a little bit of a burnin you can accentuate you know, how
much you're doing or how fast you're doing. You can do it the other way around
but yeah you just it's so easy to use and by the way all of these products
that we have, we're not being sponsored by anybody. I actually have worked on
this a little bit with these products of course with the weights and everything
and I know that they're good. They're good products and this is only about a
hundred bucks. We have put it in the store It's not really a store they're just links on Amazon. You don't
pay any extra for the products but we've got it there. We's under fun and
exercise...we also have it as a link underneath and so that you can go ahead
and get yourself one of these great little chairs. And for all the time I'm
usually in my office chair but this is so portable that just sits underneath my
desk and I grab it when I want to use utilize it. By the way of course
we're required to tell you we make a little bit of commission, but you know
you guys are fantastic, let me know when you get something, because it all really
really helps us to keep on going. I'm gonna put a few more minutes on with
this baby and get my my tummy going here maybe kind of like I said really accentuate what I'm doing and starting to feel the
burn. So number three still involves sitting at my desk. So what am i doing in
the kitchen? Well I did this video on healthy
snacking and I want to talk about snacking because when you're sitting at
your desk a lot of times you know your stomach starts grumbling and you're kind
of like okay it's three o'clock I've got to eat something. You don't want to have
bags of chips and all that unhealthy stuff around, so I did a video on healthy
snacking. I'm going to put the link up there and you can watch that healthy
popcorn with maple syrup and I got a few tips there. One of my
favorite...this is really my favorite go-to these...well they call them
craisins, but they're really dried cranberries which are pretty healthy for
you and then I have a mixture and I sometimes by the cranberries and then I
buy some kind of a nut. Maybe almonds or something along those lines and I put it
in a bowl for when I'm stacking. I basically have this at my desk. I have the nuts at my desk and I mix them up in a little bowl. The other thing that you
can find can find them....look this one I've already used quite a bit,
but you can find them already ready-made. And so just look for those on the
shelves if you don't want to kind of mix them yourself, but this is a cashew
cranberry and almond mix and I'm just gonna put it in the bowl for you. And
maybe Bill will take a little bit of a close-up. I know cashews they might
have a little bit of calories in them, but I'll tell you something this is a
great go-to. I've...maybe only eat about this much...maybe even a little bit less
and at my desk if you're going to do this little routine that I'm showing you
you've got to get rid of all that junk that you have in your drawer and replace it
with a couple of these. So what if your eating your snacks and
you're getting a little bit thirsty? Well first of all I have water with me all
the time. Like beside my bed. I wake up in the morning and bring my water with me
and i refresh it of course. and all day long, right Bill, I always have that water
beside me. I go for a drive in the car, water beside me. So this is you know, they
say you're supposed to drink like eight cups a day, so this is a must an
absolute must, but what about something with a little more fun than water Heather. So I
love tea. I love herbal teas and one I found this little baby I think it's the
most fantastic thing. It's a little's a little teapot....and what it
does is just let me just kind of show you what what I can do here. It has a
strainer with it or you can buy a strainer if you get it without a
strainer. I just put in here a little bit of tea. Maybe one teaspoon of
tea, in this particular case it's like a green tea and then I just sort of fill
it up. I don't know if you can... you probably can't see this, but I'm just
filling it up to the top here and letting it steep for a few minutes while
maybe I'm doing something else in the kitchen. While that's steeping I also have...
and again we'll link to these...a travel tea container and it also has a strainer
in it so you can sort of see the strainer in there if I can flip it out,
but you put the teabags in there and then they strain through before you
drink them. So that's another handy little gadget. So it doesn't take long to
have your tea steeping and it's probably ready right now. What I do is I
just take it out of here and I have a beautiful cup of tea and it is a natural
blend, those four loose leaves that I put in there. And as you can see......
I'm just going to pour my tea here now. What I love about this especially at my
desk is I can pour as little tea or as much tea as I want and it's still
staying fairly warm in here in the little teapot. So yes you's fun
to go to these tea places and pick out a tea. I'll also put some on line for you,
but green tea is always very very good for you and you might explain to
somebody you know I I need a little bit of energy
do you have an herbal tea for that and just talk to the people they know what
they're doing. Don't buy any that has caramel and chocolate in it....there's a lot of sweet ones out there too and certainly if you want to do these exercises that
I'm showing you do not get the lavender ones because some of these teas will put
you to sleep. Okay since we're still in the kitchen, number 5 is doing my version of
the Elaine dance. because I may have something in the oven and it's going to
go on for about 30 minutes. And you know this music that I have here it's from
YouTube. Buty I usually put on something that I really can rock out with and
dance with, but start busting a move here. All right so if you're doing something
like this for a while you're starting to get that energy level up. You started to
get your heart beating...everything's there in the's still cooking and
while I'm doing this like make sure you're checking with a doctor
or whatever when you do this, but I do some high kicks. You know I don't like to
sound silly but I've got a good support on my shoes. I'm making sure that I'm well
grounded. Do not try this at home if you can't do the kicks, but it's called
dancercise and it's a way you can also put some moves in for your waist. And I promise you you'll get a sweat and
you will be amazed how much weight you lose, but play your favorite song, your
favorite rock song or whatever it is. So number six. I would suggest to get
yourself one of these wrists exercise monitors and mine's a Fitbit. I
absolutely love it. But truth be told I've got it a while ago.
I'm hardly wearing it. What! What happened? Well it seems to be that you
know it goes crazy when you do 10,000 steps. So I thought to does
these fireworks that come vibrates and you really feel good about it, but
I'm not doing 10,000 steps every single day. So I started wearing it just when we
were going for long walks or you know on a nice sunny day, forget about that. Let
me just show you a few things that this does. So of course it tells you the time,
but tap shows you your steps...tap it again it shows approximate heart rate...tap
it again and distance you've walked and also calories burned. I love it
because it syncs with my cell phone and vibrates when I have a message. So
there you have it. It's really great, Bill can attest to this. As I mentioned to you
we've downsized but it's 14 steps down for the second floor where the offices
are and it's of course 14 steps up it's also 14 steps down to the basement.
I'd be working at my desk and I'd be saying...Bill are you downstairs?
Yeah...I'd say...okay can you bring me some water? No....I've got this baby
on. What I'm going to do is I'm going to take those steps and I'm going to take
them back up just like a Stairmaster and make sure that I'm utilizing what
the functions are for this every single day. So starting today I'm going to wear
it everyday. I'm going to get those steps and look at those steps. I'm going to be
proud of 5,000 I'm going to be proud of 3,000 but you gotta wear it or it's not
gonna work. So there you have it. You know I could
have gone on and on with this video but I didn't want it to go hours. Nobody would
watch it. Things like healthy smoothies and how I really try to only
eat desserts on weekends and you know there's a lot of other ideas that you
can do just to help know to keep that weight down or at least maintained.
And the other thing is I'm wearing my awesome over Awesome Over 50
t-shirt and right underneath this video we have these t-shirts. So if you want to
kind of join me on this routine I'd love to know, you know how it's going for you
in the comments. And maybe what you do is you come home from work, you put on your
awesome over 50 tee and you start dancing around the kitchen like a
dancing fool. So they say it takes 30 to 60 days to start to make a routine a
habit and it generally works if that habit is easy-peasy. You know you don't
have to put on your coat and get in the car and drive somewhere and do this and do
that. You can sort of just do it at home or do it in your office. That's
going to stick and that's what you want. You want something that sticks all right.
So the other thing that I've done here is I have taken the before pictures of
my bat wings and my tummy and I'm going to do a follow-up vet video. Look for
that it'll probably be maybe in six or eight weeks something like that. I'm
going to do the follow-up and I'm going to show you that I was doing it and it
became a habit and that I saw some results. And why don't you if you're
watching this maybe take a shot of your own tummy just for yourself of course
and let's see if we can work together and really make this happen. So Bill and
I and of course the cuteness factor........ little Hurricane We all want you to be healthy and
happy and we really try hard to make the... ...well we don't have to try, we keep it
real here. I mean who else goes in front of everybody showing your bad arms and all that and
doing dancing around like a dancing fool. Well it's moi. I do it but I do it for
you and I hope that we're making you smile and we're giving you some
inspiration. Helping you be a little bit healthier and you know the Friday videos
that we do, we do the beauty, we do the fashion, we do some exercise. And then on
Tuesdays with the food, we've got the fun, we've got some things for you like travel a
few jaunts that we go on and you're welcome to tag along on the videos. You know we do it all for you. Hey you know what else? I'm doing Insta gram now.
Every single day I put out you know something that I think people will like,
all of our awesome ones out there. And all you have to do is just search
awesome over 50 on Insta gram and you'll find it. So until next time...I'm going to
keep doing this every single day my routines and my exercise. I'm going to
get my heart rate going and move a little. And until next time, you know do
that crazy dancing fool dance, have some fun working a fun routine that you're
going to stick to and keep it awesome. Everyone's invited to subscribe and join
us on our videos.

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