ARK Community Spotlight — July 2019 EditionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #arkecosystem5 years ago

July is a wrap! We are proud of our determined and bright community, and our monthly Community Spotlight newsletter will keep you apprised regarding notable community activities. Let’s dive into just some of the ways the ARK community shined in July 2019.


Some members mentioned in the community newsletter are ARK delegates, who secure the ARK network and provide community services. Their inclusion in the newsletter is in no way an endorsement from to vote for specific delegates, and you should always do your own research and consider all the options when choosing a delegate for whom to vote. does not run the ARK Public Network.

Here’s the July 2019 Community Service Spotlight:

  • ‘Jorma’ updated ArkTrends and Roadmap Tracker.

  • ‘Jorma’ also reported new additions this month to

  • Delegate ‘Fun’ continued to run ARK games online with daily ARK prizes.

  • Delegates ‘Biz_Classic’ and ***‘Del’ ***ran ARK faucets here and here.

  • Delegate ‘Alessio’ continued combing through ARK code to locate and repair vulnerabilities. In July, ‘Alessio’ ran and concluded a Devnet Bounty Campaign awarding ARK to devnet delegates.

  • Delegates ‘Goose’ and ‘ArkMoon’ continue their service, ARK CSV Generator, and Income Estimator, to aid in trading and income reporting. You can input public keys to ARK addresses and get a report including fiat values. The resource does not constitute formal tax advice.

  • Delegate ‘Jarunik(website) runs a continuous coding and non-coding general bounty service, with opportunities for both smaller and larger projects. Get involved here.

  • Delegate ‘Superskeuo’ ran special bounties that all community members can participate in, not just coders. Find information here and here.

  • Delegate ‘Lemii’ released multiple tools for ARK users, including ARK Transaction Search (as a function of, ARK Delegate Tracker (which is like the ARK Delegate Monitor on steroids), and ARK Play (a tool to create your own ARK-based contests and events). ARK Play was accompanied by a launch contest and update.

  • Delegate ‘Deadlock’ who recently launched the proposal directory, also released, showcasing network statistics for the ARK Public Network.

  • Delegate ***‘Biz_Classic’ in collaboration with Delegate ‘Alessio’ ***released a Block Propagator plugin built for forging delegates which obfuscate forging nodes to further safeguard them from attack.

  • Delegate*** ‘ItsANameToo’*** unveiled a brand new website featuring live integrations with the ARK Public Network.

  • Delegate ‘Cactus1549’ deployed ARKmonitor, a Telegram bot for monitoring voter wallets and delegates.

  • Delegate ‘Del’ created a tutorial video on how to set up an ARK relay node.


Watch this video on how to get involved with ARK, all skills welcome.


The Ark Ecosystem Subreddit is a great place to seek ARK knowledge, and you can always find new and engaging content there. New to ARK? Check out my Welcome to ARK Reddit Post with simple instructions to follow.

Here are some notable July posts:

You can browse more content and contribute your own voice to the ARK Subreddit- who knows, you may even receive an ARK tip from a community member using Delegate Cryptology’s intuitive **ArkTippr Reddit tipbot**.


ARK runs monthly bounty programs for coders who contribute to our codebase on the **ARK Ecosystem GitHub**. Independent programmers can work side by side with our international team and make the ARK toolkit even more powerful and stable. ARK has also recently doubled the bounty amounts.

To compress this newsletter, we will link to the reports moving forward.

Multiple coders are contributing to the ARK toolkit 24/7, and you can too — it’s fun, rewarding, and you can earn ARK as well! ***Get started here***.

If you don’t know how to code, but you have ideas to improve ARK open source projects, use this video to help you let developers know.

You can also now push issues onto ARK GitHub repos without a GitHub account using the Ark.Party Discord Bot.


The ARK Community Committee creates and deploys community resources through anonymous and sponsored ARK donations.
Completed ACC projects include:

  • — All ARK’s achievements and accomplishments in one place, searchable filterable, and linkable by the query string.

  • — Community opinions on 30 ARK concepts, including the Core, wallets, Explorer, SmartBridge Technology, and media channels.

  • Edits of the ARK Whitepaper are complete, and further enhancements are coming to the whitepaper. Following this, the ACC will launch a new contest featuring ARK prizes surrounding the whitepaper.

  • In July, a new version of launched featuring live integration with ARK Pay and departure from Google Forms. Credit goes to the ACC Dev Team and Delegate Deadlock for hosting. **Check it out here!**

To join the ACC, locate me on


If you have an idea for an ARK project, large or small, and you are looking for funding, consider submitting a proposal to the ARK Community Fund for review. The ARK Community Fund started as a community initiative and the elected board reviews ideas and projects that enhance ARK. Their website is **ArkCommunity.Fund**.

In July, elections were held to choose a new board. Congratulations!

The opportunities that ARK Ecosystem provides are ever-growing, and there are many ways you can get in on the action. To reach me, you can contact me on the ARK **Slack** or **Discord**: @ Justin (doubled1c3).

Looking forward to August!

Read our new 2019 whitepaper, follow us on social media (Twitter|Facebook | Reddit ), join our community ( Slack | Discord ) and stay tuned to our blog on Medium.

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