Thank you ARK

in #ark6 years ago (edited)

Brother, sister and friends who are always cheerful.

Tonight I am truly moved, after reading Announcement of the Winners of the Selfi Contest with Bike the Joint arkecosystem which was delivered by Pak @catataniranda on Saturday, December 1, 2018, early morning at around 02.00 a.m.
pemenang kontes sepeda.jpg

In the announcement, I was declared the second winner. While the first winner was won @maryamalda and the third winner was won by @anitacarolina and the winner was won by @sipitung.

Of course this is one that is very moving and exciting. Because this is the second time I can win the name of the champion in a contest held by the steemers both in the world and in Indonesia itself.

Previously, in a photography contest organized by World of Photography @photocontests. However, unfortunately at this time World of Photography has never held a photography contest.

Winning the contest with the arkecosystem is certainly one that cannot be forgotten. For this reason, in this post I would like to express my deepest gratitude to ARK, especially @jarunik as the sponsor of the contest.

I would also like to express my gratitude to Ms. @santiintan as the organizer, Pak @catataniranda as the interpreter, and the archipelago community who have been very active in supporting and encouraging like Mr. @hadipedia, Pak @syarrf and other members.

Hopefully, the archipelago community can grow up in Indonesia and continue to be active in various activities, including holding contests. So that later, arkhindonesia could become the pioneer of writing spirit for the steemians in Indonesia.

Once again, Once again, thank you ARK, thank you @jarunik, thank you @santiintan, @catataniranda and thank you arkindonesia.

Flower lovers
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Terima Kasih ARK

Abang, kakak dan teman-teman steemian yang selalu ceria.

Malam ini saya sungguh terharu, setelah membaca Pengumuman Pemenang Kontes Selfi dengan Sepeda bersama Arkecosystem yang disampaikan Pak @catataniranda pada Sabtu, 1 Desember 2018, dini hari sekitar pukul 02.00 wib.

Dalam pengumuman tersebut, saya dinyatakan keluar sebagai juara II. Sedangkan juara I di raih bu @maryamalda dan juara III di raih Kak @anitacarolina serta juara harapan diraih pak @sipitung.
pemenang kontes sepeda.jpg

Tentu ini satu yang sangat mengharukan dan menggembirakan. Karena ini kali kedua saya bisa meraih yang namanya juara dalam kontes yang diselenggarakan para steemian baik di dunia maupun di Indonesia sendiri.

Sebelumnya, dalam kontes fotografi yang diselenggarakan oleh World of Photography @photocontests. Namun, sayangnya saat ini World of Photography tidak pernah ada lagi menyenggarakan kontes fotografi.

Memenangi kontes bersama arkecosystem ini tentunya satu yang tak bisa terlupakan. Untuk itu, dalam postingan ini saya menyampaikan terimakasih yang tak terhingga kepada ARK, khususnya @jarunik selaku sponsor dari kontes tersebut.

Ucapan terimakasih juga saya sampaikan kepada Kak @santiintan selaku penyelenggara, Pak @catataniranda selaku juru, serta komunitas arkindonesia yang selama ini sangat aktif mendukung dan memberi semangat seperti Pak @hadipedia, Pak @syarrf dan anggota lainnya.

Besar harapan, komunitas arkindonesia bisa tumbuh besar di Indonesia dan terus aktif dalam berbagai kegiatannya, termasuk menyelenggarakan kontes. Sehingga nantinya, arkindonesia bisa menjadi pelopor semangat menulis bagi para steemian di Indonesia.

Sekali lagi, terimakasih ARK, terimakasih @jarunik, terima kasih @santiintan, @catataniranda dan terimakasih arkindonesia.
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Pecinta bunga
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Mantab jadi juara lagi pada kontes ARK.

Ko ada kecoa nya itu, untuk juara ke harapan . Hihihi

iya pak, itu kecoa di layar monitor komputer. terkena saat screenshot...hihiihi

This post contained some typos in its mentions that have been corrected in less than a day. Thank you for your quick edit !

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ups ... sorry @checky. I corrected it

haha i recognize some of the names. congrats to them, and you too for winning 2nd place 😃

thank you @roundbeargames. Right, some names that you know are your fans in Indonesia.. hehehe

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