Freedom can mean many things. In this case it's freedom to spend my time how I want to.

in #arizona7 years ago (edited)

Sometimes I sit around and have a recurring thought about how important my time is to me. I will not sell it to a company unless it's 100% on my terms. No clock punching for me anymore. I am a free man now.


Hell yeah Joey enjoy it!

nice. everyone wants to be like that, including me

You can make it happen man!

Best way to live, Never understand why anyone will settle for working like a slave for 50 years just to maybe almost kinda retire when they are so old they can no longer really get up and enjoy life. PASS Ill live life now thank you

Sweet vibes man, sweet vibes....that's the state of mind of a king on his throne

Haha working on it man

Love it man. I've been self employed for 5 years, only way to go!

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