Are you ready?

in #areyouready11 months ago (edited)

Canada have had the biggest data leak in the history of any country in the world and no one is talking about it.

Why is that?

All because of the thief by a faggot by the name of Shannon Neill-Sword.

They were so busy trying to portray her as a villian/ mentally unstable person. They forgot to look at themselves.
"Oh she wants citizenship."
"Oh she wants sex."
" Oh she wants things for free."
"She wants someone to look after her."
"She wants a job with benefits."
"She wants to buy a house."
"Oh she wants..."
They have threaten, her, ridicule her, slandered her, invited her to several fake interviews over 20 years.

Her places of residence were broken into on several occasions, whether she lived by herself or with others and they have, tried running her off the roads and poisoning her.

After her repeatedly saying on several occasions, "leave me alone, stop following me, stop harassing me. I just want to live a normal life."

For some reason, they will not leave her alone.
If she can not read and can not write and do not have any education or any skills. Why are they fucking with her?

Something is not adding up.

You know what the fucked and scary thing is?
No one knows what she wants.

I do know this, someone has to pay the piper and the piper is coming to collect.

Are you ready?

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