Architecture in the Sky : Tower Proposal Clings to Orbiting AsteroidsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #architecture8 years ago


Analemma :

A futuristic concept tower slips ominously through the layers of Earth's atmosphere. The proposal, titled "Analemma" is by Clouds Architecture Office.

Instead of grounding itself to the Earth below, this tower reverses the logic of traditional Earthling-construction and seeks structural support from artifacts hovering in the sky above. Using the Universal Orbital Support System (UOSS) the space-building connects to a series of high-strength cables. The tower is free to orbit the Earth along the same coordinates as the Asteroid. Migrating throughout the day, the uses of the inside of the tower reflect the climates below.


"Geosynchronous orbit matches earth's sidereal rotation period of one day. The tower's position in the sky traces out a path in a figure-8 form, returning the tower to exactly the same position in the sky each day. Ground trace annotated with 24-hour segments corresponding to the towers position over a specific geographic feature."


A New "Daily" Cycle

For tower inhabitants, daily activities and habits are curated by both the atmospheric threshold and corresponding climate below as the tower moves around Earth...

Unrolled Orbital Path: Chart showing a typical daily cycle for an inhabitant of Analemma. Business is conducted at the lower end of the tower (F), while sleeping quarters are approximately 2/3 of the way up. Devotional activities are scattered along the highest reaches (A, B, D), while surface transfer points (G) take advantage of high topography. The size and shape of windows changes with height to account for pressure and temperature differentials. The amount of daylight increases by 40 minutes at the top of the tower due to the curvature of the earth.


The Largest Tower Ever

The project architects argue that using an asteroid for purposes such as this one are not tethered to science fiction. In 2015, the European Space Agency (among others) have begun to invest heavily in asteroid mining and orbital technology. NASA has also begun planning an asteroid capture and relocation project for 2021.

"Analemma would get its power from space-based solar panels. Installed above the dense and diffuse atmosphere, these panels would have constant exposure to sunlight, with a greater efficiency than conventional PV installations. Water would be filtered and recycled in a semi-closed loop system, replenished with condensate captured from clouds and rainwater. Developments in cable-less electromagnetic elevators have effectively shattered height restrictions imposed by elevator cable spool volume."

"The tower is a proposal for the world's tallest building ever. Harnessing the power of planetary design thinking, it taps into the desire for extreme height, seclusion and constant mobility. If the recent boom in residential towers proves that sales price per square foot rises with floor elevation, then Analemma Tower will command record prices, justifying its high cost of construction."



Here's a seductive diagram of the tower design threading through Earth's atmosphere...


So, what do you think fellow Steemians?

Is this just another pie in the sky idea or is it truly something we might engineer in the 21st century? Looking out over an American suburb (like the image below) would buildings peeking through the clouds above establish a new normal...?


First spotted via Clouds Architecture Office.

follow me @voronoi | design collective @hitheryon


As you probably know, there's a novel by Arthur C Clarke about something like that. And that novel is scientifically founded.

Whoa I had not seen this! Fascinating plot and story-line, looks like I have some reading to do! Thanks for sharing.

This is so interesting! I've never heard of this before.

The arch-firm actually released the design earlier this week! I'm sure you'll be seeing more of it on social media elsewhere, but Steemit was one of the first on the scene ;)

We saw it here first, thanks to you!

But what about all the garbage in space. This may be a serious problem, no?

That's a great question. I'd imagine organic waste would be used for indoor agricultural practices along the lower levels... but other types of waste would pose a serious issue. I'm not sure what they plan to do otherwise. We have enough space junk floating around our atmosphere, it would be dangerous to continue launching it into orbit.

Actually, the space junk itself could damage the tower.

Take a look at this awesome website... it tracks all the "Stuff in Space"

I got a little carried away, now working on a post on this space junk stuff!

Thanks for the link! it is cool! Sorry for the late answer. My life is keeping me very busy and I have very little time to spend on steemit :(

Mind: blown..

this just blew a fuse in my mind!

I can't imagine watching an upside-down skyscraper pendulum across the NYC skyline... it would be absolutely eerie.


You realize "Space" isn't real and we are slaves trapped on this little portion of the infinite plane

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