Church of the Holy Trinity

in #architecture3 years ago

There is an interesting church nearby. It seems deserted, but it is actually full of holy spirits. It sounds scary, but it's not, it feels like you're still welcome even though there's no one to tell you. This church is located not far from Smederevo, near Vodanje. It is a small village near my town. The church is located on a hill, where heaven and earth meet, the snowflakes that fell that day did not travel long to the earth. When they fall to the ground you have the feeling that they are going to start coming back, as if they are going to start falling in the opposite direction. Beautiful day.



The church is holding up very well, it is close to heaven, God is guarding it. The Holy Trinity guards her. I don't know much about the Holy Trinity, but I know that it consists of a father, a son and a holy spirit. This church does not work like that, but it is holy, it is felt in the air, the cross shines on it and it is as if it invites us inside. I would go in, but I can't, I can't, the door is locked, I'm attracted to grab that door and step inside. The door is stopping me, I peeked inside through the blurred window, it can be seen that it was abandoned, I'm sorry about that, everything inside is empty, some frescoes are still on the wall. She looks straight at me and wonders why I don't come in, to pardon her. How can I tell her without disappointing her.



Yes, this church has no history, at least it is not on the Internet, but I believe that if I found it, it would be interesting. The church is very old, not so old, but it is old and abandoned, it looks beautiful and rich. The crosses are still held, and the door that serves as an entrance is beautifully decorated with two crosses on them. The Church has no history, but that does not mean that there is no Holy Trinity. Of course, there is nothing without the Internet, so I used the Internet a little and learned something about the Holy Trinity.

One God

By no means should we think that the Trinity is a teaching about three gods. No Christian believes that there is more than one God. The persons of the Trinity are not separate gods, but persons of one and the same God. The Bible is clear about this and we find a large number of verses that confirm this.



Three personalities

It is also wrong to think that only the Father is God, and that the Son and the Holy Spirit are creatures or just the ways in which God the Father appears. The Son and the Spirit are not aspects of God, but separate persons, who together with the Father form one being. So, God is a trinity - in three persons, but one in being and essence.

So, God has three hypostases (persons), not three qualities, so it is correct to say the Holy Trinity, not the Trinity. As this second term is significantly used in our country, although incorrectly, we will use both in the text.




As it is written in the Creed, God the Father is the sustainer and creator of everything visible and invisible. He is unborn and does not come out, and from him the other two hypostases get their character.




The Son, or Jesus Christ, is eternally born of God the Father. He is consecrated to God the Father and through him God the Father created everything. Jesus Christ became man in the flesh to save the world from sin by baptism, and then returned to God the Father in the same glory he had always shared with the Father (John 17: 5). Christ will come into the world again "to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end."



Holy Spirit

The third person of the Holy Trinity is the Holy Spirit who proceeds from the Father. God created the world through the Son in the Spirit. The Holy Spirit spoke through the prophets and inspired people. The first Church was created by the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles.

These three persons together make up the Holy Trinity, ie the Holy Trinity.



The Trinity in the Bible

Although the word Trinity is not found in the Bible, the doctrine of the Trinity permeates the entire biblical text and it is clear that this teaching has its foundation in the Bible and is not a dogma that later emerged in the Church. The teaching was later only defined and confirmed at the Church Councils.



Trinity formula

For example, in the Gospel of Matthew we read that Jesus tells his disciples to go and teach all nations "by baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"

text source




I hope you enjoyed this post. I enjoyed making it and sharing it with you fulfills me in a way. Greetings until the next post. I wish you a lot of love and happiness, Sara.

𝓦𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮, 𝓢𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓱❤️

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