Churches, churches and a bit more Churches

in #architecture6 years ago

Religion in Russia plays a key role in their society. But it's not the religion I was used to see in the Western world during my past travels.

Back in 2010 I took a diploma course in modern history and one of the main subjects was Russian history which, has been influenced a lot by religion: The Orthodox.

This religion is based in the same principle as the Catholic/Christian but with one big difference (among a few other rather small) they don't agree with the authority of the Pope and the whole organization around it.

I bet you've heard about the Orthodox Church even if you think you haven't, I'll give you some clues: if you've heard about Calvinism (Calvin) or Luther (Lutheran Church) well, they are highly related to The Orthodox Church history.

Well this isnt a history class, besides I'm only writing this out of memory and I don't want to get too deep into this or I might say something wrong or false.

Anyway, the first day I walked around Russia I noticed there was a lot of weird looking
churches (weird for me, that I wasn't used to
this kind of architecture) and boy, they were a lot! So I gave myself the task of taking photos of every church I found in my way while walking through Russia.



















Wow! Beautiful brother! I wonder why they all have the rounded roof tops? Is that just somethin' they did out of symbolism for the churches hmmmm? Love em' though. Marvels they are. I have no issue with them not supporting the Pope by the way. To each their own. Enjoyed.

One thing is for sure that the Russian architecture is unique and much different from rest of the world. For me I have always associated their designs to fantasy castles ..........not exactly sure why, but there it is.

The pictures you've put in this post are so good that I was wondering that if you could make whole series out of them :-)

very interesting to read a foreigner's observations and studying of your own country;)

What's your education if you studied Russian culture?

And why isn't Pope the main in Orthodox? He does play a key role in the religion.
Yes, you're right religion is like water here.
There's a famous phrase - "religion is opium for people", and it's exactly the truth.
It was forbidden during the USSR times, and new history of independent countries are deeply connected with religion.

Moreover, for now it's a powerful instrument of influencing and ruling people. Though it's not only in Russia. it's a commin function of religion.
Do you agree?

Are western countries have less churches?

These structures are really beautiful and worth beholding. The environment is also blissful and serene.

Between, any idea why they all have an Onion Dome? I am sure there must be a reason for the Domes. Or were they all built by the Persians?

I had heard of the orthodox religion but had not really researched it, although I knew that it is very similar to the catholic one, the fact of not believing in popes is interesting (I think I am orthodox without knowing it) as far as the churches are beautiful! a really outstanding architecture, elegant I would love to see inside each one of them, in my country we have beautiful churches, you should come to know it.

Maravilloso, que hayas tenido la oportunidad de disfrutar in situ lo que ya sabias de la historia de Rusia. En tus fotografías todas las iglesias lucen preciosas y unas más majestuosas que otras. ¿Tuviste oportunidad de verlas interiormente?

Hey @anomadsoul, I'm wondering to see those Russian Churches architecture. It has various designs and showing us their difference than Europe other states. I think with found Russian history you've great knowledge about Russian religious things and culture. Find cultures everywhere around the world build up great relationships and you can connect with them very easily. What about you know The Orthodox Church history? However you got massive experience their life Eric.

I'm pretty sure that first church you photographed may or may not have been one that I found on google images years ago that was used for a failed photoshop by my friend, lol. I was gonna have him laser etch Putin riding a bear in front of a church just like that on something for me. Can't quite remember why it didn't work, but instead I got the Soviet Bear etched on the item and I'm just as happy with that.

Yeah the churches in Russia (and the former soviet union countries) are very different from the churches in western countries. The interesting thing is that these days there are a lot of churches in Russia, but during the soviet regime any religion was forbidden, and many churches were destroyed and only in last 10-20 years were rebuilt and renovated

Russian culture started growing very beginning of the (before 10th century).
And at a time Russian church architect was famous in the rest of the world and the design of ROC (Russian Orthodox Church) we're famous in the world. Later, other European and American architecture followed this and started designing Orthodox Church in their countries.
But as of my knowledge ROC history and culture is older than one thousand years..

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