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RE: The Great Stukeley Hotel

It is an​ interesting building to ponder upon. The history and stories that must have gone under its eaves and tiles. Love these old building where wings and addition were added without having to get council approval. Makes for distinction and whimsy. Thanks for taking us along on your Wednesday Walk, loved the daffos at the end. We should be getting ours any day. Bright and sunny but brisk in Vancouver:)


Hey Pryde, good to hear from you. Can you imagine the number of people that have stayed in the hotel over the last 400 years? If the walls could talk? haha

The random additions on the back right of the building look 18th century and yep no planning to worry about.

We had a few days of record breaking sunshine (21 c) and kick started spring but now it has turned very cold again? !tip

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