Аrchitecturalphotography - Architecture of Lviv - Dominican cathedral

 Photography Contest   architecturalphotography by @juliank:  


The Dominican Cathedral is a magnificent architectural monument of the late Baroque with its original sculptural decoration.

In 90 years he became the Greek Catholic Church of the Holy Eucharist.

Домініканський собор - велична архітектурна пам’ятка пізнього бароко з оригінальним скульптурним оздобленням.
В 90 роках він  став греко-католицьким храмом Святої Євхаристії.


 Monday: foodphotography and animalphotography
Tuesday: landscapephotography and cityscapephotography
Wednesday: architecturalphotography and vehiclephotography
Thursday: macrophotography and colourfulphotography
Friday: streetphotography   and portraitphotography
Saturday: sportsphotography and smartphonephotography
Sunday: goldenhourphotography and longexposurephotography   

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