Paper and Hay

in #archery5 years ago

In the same underground bunker there is a shooting range of a different sort.


This is a somewhat quieter and maybe more skilled environment for children to step into before shooting a nine milimeter hand gun.

My oldest son was nervous and almost perturbed by the live fire tour yesterday. But when we walked into the archery range, the other half of the facility, he calmed down and expressed and interest in shooting paper targets on hay.


I am not about to force one form of aim over another. My youngest will likely be sitting through a gun safety course with Rene, followed by some target practice. My 18-year-old boy will have the chance to become then next Oliver Queen if he likes.

Yes, there is a video!.

Or watch on bitchute.

I am sure I will have pictures or video when the boys start shooting. Thanks for all the positivity in the comments.

Personal note.

I can appreciate the grief and fear coming from the varied experiences some of you have all had. There are many careless people out there that would leave dangerous devices within reach of their children.

From my birth, there was always a gun in the house. I never saw it until I was seven years old. I knew better than to touch it after that because my father had a belt. But even if I had tried, the gun was always trigger-locked and the keys were in a safe along with the ammunition.

I did however love my mother's sewing machine. It was always plugged in. My brother and I would play with the foot peddle, pretending to drive a race car!

We were unaware of the tangled bobbin mess we were creating and we were very lucky we had not played with the lightning fast needle.

Kids will be kids and parents must anticipate...

sponge bob.jpg


If that sport is very pleasant, especially the strength that is gained in the arms, besides everything has its technique until the way of standing, it is very important that there can be a launch.

My grandmother in the city where I lived my childhood was very good seamstress the best in fact the best, was the only one who copied very elaborate dresses just by seeing them without using any pattern as it is today. and she used a pedal sewing machine, my sister and I played a lot with that machine. especially with the pedal was what most caught our attention.

I'm glad for your children that you feel calmer now.

Así era la maquina que tenia mi abuela.

Fuente de la imagen

Las populares negritas, yo aprendí a medio coser en una de esas, mi mama aun conserva una. Le mando a poner un motor ja ja ja ahora casi que corremos en ella. Ja ja ja.

The popular bold, I learned to half sew in one of those, my mom still has one. I send him to put a motor ha ha ha now almost that we run in it. Ha ha ha.

Kids will be kids and parents must anticipate...

You are absolutely right, it is our job as parents to be one or two steps ahead, preventing any situation.

If there are weapons and the child takes it and ends up injured, it is our fault and not the child's.

Even with a fan without supervision they can end up hurt by sticking their little fingers.

A pot of boiling water a dish with hot soup can end in tragedy if we do not put it far from the reach of children.

I think that every day we try to do our best and for the love we have for them it must be so.

A hug to your children, By the way I am a fan of Oliver Queen.

I would did archery all the time at church camp. I got an adrenalin rush from it, so much fun. :)

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I love this sport, I have a friend who practices it, she has a lot of strength in her arms. Children learn responsibility with these activities. @sponge-bob

Me encanta este deporte, tengo una amiga que lo practica, tiene mucha fuerza en los brazos. Los niños aprenden responsabilidad con estas actividades

Archery is a sport in which a lot of serenity is needed and in which we get nervous, we often have a bad time. Shot several times and it is very nice to practice it.

As a child my father has taught us to shoot with a firearm and the truth was not a pleasant experience, although it is always useful to know how to handle a weapon.

Greetings friend @sponge-bob, I share with your son to prefer more the bow than the weapon, the weapon generates a lot of noise and is also more dangerous, in the bow is necessary to generate more effort but is much quieter, peace and tranquility has no prices.

As parents we should always have preventive behaviors and try to teach them as well as remove them from danger at home and prepare them for when they find it on the street. The issue of weapons is very controversial and more in countries like ours where many people are armed and some without conscience or responsibility, Thank you for sharing these spaces and opinions that nourish and teach us. I hug you with love from Venezuela! @sponge-bob ..

Notice that there is evidence of what you expose in your previous post. Are a bow and arrow less dangerous than a gun? Everything is in its use; there are people who kill with a kitchen knife and that is not why the knife is prohibited.

Wuau, your children must be very excited about all the experiences.
As I told you in your previous post, I am afraid of guns, but, nevertheless, shooting with a bow if it excites me, then I realize the truth contained in your final comment, firearms are not the problem, since a dangerous weapon can be anything, the kitchen knife, a rod that we put badly, as you say, as parents, we must go ahead and be aware of offering our children a safe environment, and that does not It implies the absence of weapons, because they will always be present, the important thing is to educate our children with the idea that they have common sense and can identify if they are facing a potentially dangerous situation, of course we will never have the asolute control, but at least to some extent We will decrease it.

Happy and blessed afternoon Mr. @sponge-bob

El tiro al arco es un deporte en el que se necesita mucha serenidad y en el que nos nervios muchas veces pasa una mala pasada. He tirado en varias oportunidades y es muy lindo practicarlo.

De pequeño mi padre nos ha enseñado a disparar con arma de fuego y la verdad no fue una grata experiencia, aunque siempre es útil saber como manejar un arma.

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