My Most Prized Gaming Possession!?



I had a bit of troubling coming up with an idea for this contest in particular but since I joined the amazing Archdruid Gaming community I have not missed a single week of contests entries and I plan to stick to that! Also this time I'll be acting as a guest judge for the contest but I wanted to make an entry either way so here it is!

I had trouble coming up with a topic for this topic because to be sincere, I've never found myself being to attached to material things, I don't particularly collect any gaming items, most of my games come and go like the wind, spread out to other friends for their enjoyment or at least thats what used to happen when I used to game on consoles, after finishing a game and if I knew I would probably not replay it, I just gave it away to any friend that was interested in playing it or didn't have it, if no one had any interest I just would end up selling it to... you know... buy more games.

So after scrambling my brain and meditating about the topic, I realized I do have a most prized gaming possession and it's not just one item in particular! After thinking about it for almost 2 weeks, yeah sounds silly but I really wanted to write something up for the contest! I ended up realizing that my most prized gaming possession is something that has been building inside me for years, thats right, my most prized gaming possession are my memories!

Oh come on don't leave! don't be like that I know it sound super corny but stay awhile and listen.

Have you ever had a game that changed you? A experience where the story goes so deep into your soul that after everything is done and the credits roll, you are a different person? I have one for certain!

It's my favorite game of all time after all, It's Final Fantasy VIII.

If you want to categorize it as a possession, you could maybe do so, since I still have the original PS1 discs laying somewhere around in a box, but those discs are meaningless to me, they are just a vessel in which data is stored and transferred, the real possession here are the memories that this game left in me.

Maybe it was timing, when I played this game back in 2002 I was nothing more than a 8 year old kid but since then I have probably replayed the game at least 15 times, I tend to do it at least once a year, maybe because I'm longing to revive the experience I felt when playing it for the first time, maybe it left such an impression on me because I was a young and naive kid but I can assure to you that playing this game at that age changed me to the core.

From the amazing story to the fantastical elements and the graphics that where pretty awesome for its time and the incredible cinematics crafted by the now deceased Square-Soft which is now known as Square-Enix after they merged with Enix in 2003. You could say that all of this things I mention enhanced the experience and left an impression on me but what truly changed me to the core were the characters.

When I played this game I had never experienced characters like the ones found in this game, I don't really know how to describe them... human, kind, deceptive, capable of love and hate at the same time, their complexity at the type dragged me in and never let me go.


From Squall's Isolation and internal struggle to trust other people after everything he had gone through to his eventual breakout of his shell and finally learning to trust others into his life and not repel them when it feels like it's too good to be true.


To Rinoa's struggle with her dad, her grieving for the lost of her mom and the fight in the resistance for Timber, her country, willing to sacrifice everything to achieve freedom, her romantic struggles and her trusty companion Angelo.

Of course, this are only 2 of the dozen characters the game has and all of them have such a depth and everyone of them resonated with me when I played this game, I was one person the day I put the first disc in and after I had finished the game and removed the 4th disc from my console, I was another one... I don't know how many people can relate to this sort of thing, a game and characters changing the player, changing you as a human and how you behave, If i had to put my finger on it, I would say this game humanized me and gave me a better and wider perspective on the world and to this day and forever I will remember it and carry it forever, after all, the origin of my username comes from this game too.

I really love rambling about Final Fantasy VIII, I should probably do it more often :^)


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Wai-- we can write about this?! Why I haven't thought of that!!

thats right, my most prized gaming possession are my memories!

I really love rambling about Final Fantasy VIII,

Me too, along with Chrono Trigger & Final Fantasy they're ones of my all time favorites. If you want me to say my favorite FF characters of all time, Squall will be one of them. He's so complex and human for a game character.

Cloud (FFVII) complexity comes from his story and the events that shaped him.

Squall's complexity stems from his character only which makes him amazing in comparison.

I guess we can write about this! I'm thinking about other specific characters to write about :-D

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Just seeing this now and oh my god, have @ahmadmanga and you made me want to play the heck out of FFVIII. If I ever do and I become a crack addict to this game like you guys, it's gonna be your fault, lol.

If loving Final Fantasy VIII makes me a crack addict, call me Pablo Escobar bby cuz i'm ready to overdose!

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