Challenging Gaming Moments: The Omega Weapon!

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Lets start with some background! Final Fantasy VIII is my favorite game of all time so I might be a bit biased here, I've been wanting to do a review of the game for a while but I'm waiting to replay it again, I've done this a lot but I want to do a fresh review of the game, so it will have to wait! Also I'm writing this post as an entry to an Archdruid Community contest, you can check it out here!

The Omega Weapon


The Omega Weapon is a hidden boss in Final Fantasy VIII, It's hidden in Ultimecia's Castle, the lair of the bad guy of the game and its without doubt, the toughest and hardest boss in the game, It has over 1 million HP and it takes a full team of level 100 characters to beat it, the battle usually last over 10 minutes, because it takes a while to deal with that huge health pool and if you get confident by even a second you will get destroyed!


The difficulty of this battle is no joke, a maxed out Final Fantasy VIII character can only get to 9999 hp and the max damage they can deal at once is 9999 hp so taking down 1.000.000 hp is no easy task but the only difficulty of the battle doesn't come from the huge HP pool of course, that would just make it a dps patcwerk fight and those are not a challenge at all! The difficulty comes from the abilities the Omega Weapon has!

By far its worst offensive ability is Instant Death, that kills any character which lvl is divisible by 5, this my sound terrible but its actually easy to avoid if you prepare well for the battle by extracting 100 death magics for each of the party members before going into battling and setting it up as a defense magic for yourself, making you inmune to that magic, this sounds like a difficult system but its actually pretty simple once you get used to junctioning magic and equipping it to your characters, some people are really turned down by this system and leave the game early which is a shame.

The Omega weapon has also a plethora of magic skills ready to destroy you but Death is the worse one the other ones can be dealt with if you come prepared for the battle, which really, its the only way to face the Omega weapon, you won't even last 30 seconds if you don't come prepared lol.


This beast is not only super strong on the attack but also on the defense! The Omega weapon is inmune to all elemental magical effects, so if you use elemental magic it will not only nullify it but absorb it and restore its health! So to deal damage you have to rely either on non-elemental damage, which is almost impossible, you'll be dead before you can use all the magic casts that you need to use to get the omega weapon down so you will have to end up using regular attacks and limit breaks to deal with Omega, which means that your characters need to be on low to critical HP to be able to deal with the Omega weapon, which in turn means that the difficulty increases because it gets harder and harder to heal your characters, you have to rely on your sword and throwing your dog as a canon if you want to succeed :^) *** After you fight for over 10 minutes and manage to succeed, the game forever rewards you with a Proof of Omega, a sort of certificate that proves that you have defeated the hardest boss in the game!


This way you know you have proof to show your friends that you have succeeded in the almost impossible! One of the hardest fights in the golden era of Final Fantasy games!

If you want to watch the fight yourself do it on the Youtube video below, sadly, for now not a recording of me playing it but maybe I'll do one of my own in the future!


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