Star Citizen failing before it even starts?

in #archdruid6 years ago

The fail of a gaming industry

Star citizen fail

I was one of the people who believed in star citizen when it came to Kickstarter so many years ago. I believed it was something that had to be made. They promised so many good things. One of them “NO PAY TO WIN”. Man was I surprised ….

Failures from the gecko

They are putting to much time and effort in keeping the money coming in. Think about it. They make a ship and invest time in animations – rendering - … . Sell the ship on there store. Repeat the process. This over and over without working on something else.

Investing to much on games like squadron 42. It feels like there CEO Roberts wanted to create a blockbuster like he never could before. Wasting precious time and money on highering actors and making props for the cutscenes and what not. To get a eventually subpar game out of it. And don’t underestimate the price one voice actor costs. I call this a waste of resources a money pit even a bad investment. As in essence this did not make the game better at all.

Squadron 42

Don’t even get me started about the citizen marine game. Why did they even bother with something like that. It must have been a drunken night “hey Roberts lets build a FPS based on our unfinished game”. The game lags, nearly no players on it. And it plainly sucks to be honest.

citizen marine

Like everything Roberts space industry brings out it looks great. But it lags like hell and game play is subpar to say the least. I wonder why they waste time and effort on these side projects instead of building on the thing so much people payed for. No one asked for squadron 42 or citizen marine. No they asked for star citizen.

Feature Creep

We could talk all we want about the two side games they spit out. But in essence the reason with star citizen is not yet out is because they keep on adding features upon features upon features. Instead of finishing something they keep on adding more. The people who backed their project did not want all those features (even some are a nice idea). No one asked for it at the start. Bring out a finished game and then add extra’s all you want.

Feature creep is the name of the game when you talk about star citizen. A game that can never be finished as the devs don’t finish anything they start on.

List of features Alpha 3.0

Pay To Win

Even now more and more people are trying to get their money back. But sadly only those who funded with Kickstarter have the opportunity for that. I am one of those people who got their money back. And not because I asked for it. I went on their forums and made a big interesting post about the pay to win concepts they were spreading throughout there years of funding. There removed my post and refunded me.

The game was advertised as not being pay to win. But lets look at what cloud imperium games is doing. They are selling every ship that is obtainable in game threw there shop. How is this not pay to win?

List of ships and their prices

For every ship that I would buy I don’t need to play the game for. I can buy better upgrades with the money I would otherwise spend on the ship. I have an easier time buying other things in game. I am stronger from the start therefore giving me a huge boost at the start.

Ships in production

This is in essence PAY TO WIN. Come and talk with me when you don’t agree about this view point.

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