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RE: Science shows that sodom and gomorrah were destroyed by fire from the air, exactly as the Bible said!

in #archaeology6 years ago

Excellent! The proof is there, if their minds are open to receive it!

In Texas, there is a dinosaur state park an hour south of Dallas. They have a stream, that is sandstone based where there are foot prints in what used to be mud, that is now sandstone.

The dinosaur prints are pretty cool to look at, but the barefoot Human prints where they were hunting these same animals; kind of disagree with the 60 million year split, between the dinosaurs, and Man, ROFLOL!



Yeah that does throw a bit of a wrench into the "machine".

Their timeline stinks to high heavens for sure! It certainly is not accurate from the simple data collection I did there in Texas with my mark one eyeballs!

They need to rewrite their theories to match field information!


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