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RE: Science shows that sodom and gomorrah were destroyed by fire from the air, exactly as the Bible said!

in #archaeology6 years ago

We need more Chrisian scientists but I think that's rather rare. Well I'm back but they're supposed to take the service back down again, probably tonight. lol. I'm behind this week but that's okay, I hope they make it faster when it comes back.


Improve the internet? NEVER! It is not possible to help by speeding it up.

They always screw it up, Or actually down, LOL!


hey don't jinx it, there's always a first time!

Here is hoping for your internet my friend! Hope it is functional!

Maybe you will gain speed, that might help you win in the Engagement League, ROFLOL!.


thank you sir smithlabs. well a faster internet would help a great deal that's for sure, make things alot easier. The old service kept cutting out so maybe that will end. I'm quite a bit off my pace but not going to try and make it up, how are you doing as far as League work, or do you know?

I hope it works better for you, I would NOT want you to fall behind, ROFLOL!

I have no idea where I stand in the League. Is there a way to monitor the League standings

We will have fun anyway!


People use some apps to keep track of how many comments they make but I don't know which one, maybe Steemworld, I never have any idea so I don't know how Asher gets all the information. I've had less commenting this week, less people contacted and much less in size of comments, I'm guessing I'll be in 3rd or 4th but that's just a hunch, you better beat me this week because I've been off because of the ISP shutting down. it would be nice to see you win!

I have been running too, so we will see. I do not know how to monitor it, so I will just keep typing and hope for the best. The only thing I have going for me is comment length, I don't have enough contacts to really have a good shot without long comment length.

I would like to see me win too, ROFLOL! But it is tough to win, time wise, have to be on here all the time.

Life competes with Steemit. Already working on the next homeless meal. I had a car full of food today already. Next week will be worse on food volume.



So your gift of gab finally comes in handy after all these years huh smithlabs? lol. You guys still working on getting a bus and converting it?

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