The question is - How do we make the transition to a human society?

in #arcane7 years ago (edited)

I ask myself - is crypto currencies and the the distributed blockchain technology going to save us? I thought Catherine Austin Fitts had said No to that one. Well, maybe not. Listen!

The question how is manyfold. The Arcane Bear had this to say, which I think is vital to remember. Listen!

Timing. Well, Carl Boudreau, astrologer and philosopher, sees how the oligarchic energy is waning. Read more Clif High and others see a period of a gathering of power into February that will be released in an outburst into March. Cryptos will rise. Makes sense to me.

I find it interesting that a level of greed goes well together with more lofty aspects of saving humanity from the claws of globalist finance. The idea of my own well being compatible with the well being of all, that seems new.

Gnostic thought was about that. The Nag Hammadi Library as interpreted by John Lamb Lash struck me as a viable world view. The Earth as the embodiment of the goddess, aeon Sophia and we, her creation and experiment. Read more Now, according to what I have learnt from JLL, Sophia has woken up in her dream and will help us set things right. But we have to consciously work together with Sophia.

The crypto currency technology is a result of many people's work and the idea of a distributed blockchain has the potential of releasing the human potential. In my mind we ain't seen nothing yet.

And the beauty of it all is - we don't know. It's an unknown. In the wise words of Michael Burnham in Star Trek: Discovery. Listen!:

– Repetiton reinforces repetition, change begets change. I guess the truth is, we never really know what's coming. Sometimes the only way to find out where you fit in is to step out of the routine. Because sometimes, where you really belong, was waiting right around the corner all along.

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