قصة اليوم|•| The story of the day

in #arab6 years ago

قبل ان يسافر زوج الى عمله في التجاره قال لزوجته لاتخرجي من المنزل ابدا الى ان ارجع
وكانت هذه القصه الحقيقيه على زمن النبي صل الله عليه واله وصحبه وسلم
فذهب الزوج وحضر نفسه الى السفر لتجارة وسافر
وبعد فتره دق باب البيت عليها فقالت من بالباب قال انا اخيكي ففتحت الباب وقالت له ادخل اخى العزيز ودخل اخاها ثم قال لها لقد جئت لزيارتك ولكن لامر مهم جدا ولا يحتاج هذا الامر الى التاخير منكي فقالت خيرا اخي ان شاء الله فقال لها
ان اباكي يبلغك السلام ويقول لكي انه يريد ان يراكي
فردت عليه قائله انا كذلك ايضا اشتاق الى رؤياكم ولكن زوجي منعني من الخروج قبل ان يسافر
فقال لها ان هذا ابوكي ولكي حق ان تذهبي عنده وتطماني عليه
فقالت ان زوجي منعني ولا يحق لي الخروج الا باذنه
فقال انظري في الامر لان اباكي مريض ويريد ان يراكي
فعندما قال لها هكذا ارسلت الى النبي (صل الله عليه واله وصحبه وسلم) لتاخذ رائيه في ان تذهب الى ان تزور اباها وهو مريض
فكان رد الجواب من النبي (صل الله عليه واله وصحبه وسلم) ان الزمي بيتك ولاتخرجين منه
فارسلت الى اخيها جواب النبي (صل الله عليه واله وصحبه وسلم) فقال لها شانك
وفي اليوم التالى جائها اخوها وقال لها ان اباكي اشتد عليه المرض وهو مرض الموت وهو يريد ان يراكي قبل ان يموت فحزنت لذلك الخبر وارسلت الى النبي (صل الله عليه واله وصحبه وسلم) لاتستاذنه وان يجد لها مخرجا لكي تتمكن من زياره ابيها وهو في مرض موته فكان رد النبي (صل الله عليه واله وصحبه وسلم) ان الزمي بيتك ولاتخرجين منه الا باذن زوجك
واليوم التالي جائها اخيها وقال ان اباكي يحتضر ويريد رؤيتك فبكت وقال سوف اخبر رسول الله (صل الله عليه واله وصحبه وسلم) ليجد لي مخرجا فكان رد النبي (صل الله عليه واله وصحبه وسلم) ان الزمي بيتك ولاتخرجي منه الا باذن زوجك
وبعد ساعات جائها اخوها وقال لها ان اباكي قد مات وهو مشتاق الى رؤياكي فتعالى معي احضري جنازته فارسلت الى النبي (صل الله عليه واله وصحبه وسلم) في ذلك فقال لها ان الزمي بيتك ولاتخرجي منه فان جبرائيل عليه السلام اتانى وقد اخبرني بان اباكي في الجنه وقد غفر لكي وله الله جميع ذنوبكم بسبب طاعتك لزوجك فالزمي بيتك واطيعي زوجك فان اباكي في الجنه بسبب طاعتك لزوجك ثم قال هنيئا لامراة اطاعت زوجها وويل لامراءة اغضبت زوج
اذا اتميت القراءه فلا تبخل بقول.


Before a husband travels to his business, he tells his wife not to get out of the house until I return
This was the true story of the time of the Prophet, may God bless him and his family and companions
So the husband went and attended himself to travel to trade and traveled
After a period of knock the door of the house, she said from the door said I am my brother and opened the door and said to him enter my dear brother and entered her brother and then said to her I have come to visit you, but it is very important and does not need this to delay Manki said good brother,
Abaki informs you of peace and says that he wants to see me
I answered him, I also miss your vision, but my husband prevented me from going out before he left
He said to her, "This is Aboki, and in order to be right, go with him and grant him success."
She said that my husband had forbidden me and that I had no right to leave without his permission
And he said, Look at it, for my father is sick, and he wants to see me
When he said to her, so she was sent to the Prophet (may God bless him and his family and companions) to take his pilot to go until she visits her father, who is sick
So the answer from the Prophet (may Allaah be pleased with him and his family and companions) was that the intention of your house is not to come out of it
And she sent to her brother the answer of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and his family and his family) and said to her Shank
The next day, her brother came to her and told her that Abaki was getting sick. He was dying. He wanted to see me before he died. So I wrote to the Prophet The response of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and his family and his family) was that the house is ordered and you do not get out of it unless your husband's permission
The next day, her brother came and said that Abaki was dying and wanted to see you. He said, "I will tell the Messenger of Allah (may God bless him and his family and companions) to find me a way out." The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
And after hours, her brother came and told her that Abaki had died, and he longed for my vision, so he brought with me his funeral, and sent to the Prophet (may Allah bless him and his family and companions) in that and he said to her that the Zaymi of your house and do not get out of it, Gabriel, peace be upon him, told me that Abaki in Paradise He forgave God and all your sins because of obedience to your husband Vzmi your home and obey your husband, Abaki in Paradise because of obedience to your husband and then said congratulations to a woman obeyed her husband and woe to the mother angered husband
If you have finished reading, do not hesitate to say.


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