الزوجة الحامل //Pregnant wife

in #arab6 years ago

قصة اليوم:
الشاب الذى وجد عروسه
حامل ليلة الزفاف 😞
لن تتخيلو ماذا فعل!!!! 😮
يروى شخص انه رأى عروسته حامل يوم زفافه فكانت صدمة كبيرة بالنسبة له ولكنه ستر عليها واخفاها عن اهله واهلها حتى لا يقوم بفضحها مثلما يفعل الكثير من الناس الذين يتعرضوا لنفس الموقف .Ꭿ
فقد فعل ذلك واحتسب اجره عند الله ولكنه قرر عدم المساس بها ولا يعتبرها زوجتة وكان لا يعاملها ابدا ولا يجعلها تتقابل مع احد حتى لا يعلم احدا بانها حامل حتى اصبحت فى ايام الولادة ووضعت طفلها بعد ان احضر لها ممرضة لتقوم بتوليدها فى المنزل .
واخذ الطفل فى وقت متأخر وكانت الساعة تقارب الثانية او الثالثة فجرا ووضعه امام باب المسجد وتركه وبعدها
نزل لصلاة الفجر فى المسجد ليرى الناس يلتفون حول الطفل ويتحدثون فى امره فقال لهم انا سأتبنى هذا الطفل اذا سمحتم وساقوم بتربيته ورعايته واجرى عند الله فقال الجميع انهم موافقون على ذلك ودعوا له ان يعينه الله ويوفقة جزاء لما فعل مع الطفل وشهد الجميع على ذلك .
وقام بأخذ الطفل إلى امه وشهد الجميع على ذلك بانه سيتبنى الطفل وأن هذه السيدة هى التى ستربيه وتعتنى به وبعدها احضر مأذون ليكتب له على زوجتة من جديد وقام بتربية الطفل الذى اصبح بعد ذلك له اخوات وكان هو من ضمنهم ولكن ليس هذا فقط ما قد حدث .
فقد تحدث إليه أمام المسجد بعد ذلك وقال له اريد التحدث اليك فى امرا فأنا اراك فى منامى وانت من اهل الجنة على الرغم انك لا تختلف كثيرا عن الشباب الذى يصلى معنا فى المسجد .
وربما تكون هناك حكمة من هذا فبالله عليك ان تروى إلي ماذا تعمل لتنال هذه المكانة من الجنة ❤ واقسم عليه كثيرا حتى روى له الشاب قصة الفتاة التى ستر عليها ولم يفضحها القصة التى لا يعرفها احد ابدا واقسم على الشيخ بأن لا يخبر احدا باسمه ولا اسم زوجتة .
وطلب منه الشيخ قائلا له أنا سأرويها لكى يستفيد منها الأخرون ولك الأجر والثواب أيضاً ولكن لا اذكر اسمك وهذا وعد منى بذلك .
الحكمة : فسبحان الله العظيم ❤ الذى يؤتى الحكمة لمن يشاء ويعز من يشاء ويذل من يشاء وهو على كل شئ قدير فالله سبحانه وتعالى هو من الهم هذا الشاب الحكمة والصبر والتصرف فى المصيبة التى مرت عليه وحول مصيبتة الى اجر عظيم من الله سبحانه وتعالى فقد ستر على الفتاة التى اخطأت فستره الله يوم القيامة يوم لا ظل الا ظله .


Today's Story:
The young man who found his bride
Wedding night holder 😞
You will not imagine what he did !!!! 😮
A person narrated that he saw his bride on his wedding day was a big shock for him but he covered them and hide them from his family and his people so as not to expose them as do many people who are exposed to the same situation.
He did so and calculated his reward with God, but he decided not to harm her and did not regard her as his wife and he never treated her and did not meet with anyone so that no one knows that she was pregnant until she became pregnant in the days of birth and put her child after bringing her a nurse to give birth at home.
He took the child late and the time was about 2 or 3 in the morning and put him in front of the door of the mosque and left and then
He said to them: "I will adopt this child if you allow, and I will raise him and take care of him. He said to Allah that everyone agreed and invited him to help him and reward him for what he did with the child.
He took the child to his mother and saw that he would adopt the child and that this woman would raise him up and take care of him. Then he brought a permit to write to his wife again. He raised the child who became his sisters and he was among them, but not only that.
He spoke to him in front of the mosque after that and said to him, I want to talk to you in a matter I see you in my youth and you are from the people of Paradise, although you do not differ very much from the young people who pray with us in the mosque.
And perhaps there is wisdom from this, you have to tell me what to do to get this status of paradise واق and swear by it so much so narrated to him the young story of the girl who covered it did not expose the story that no one knows and never swear to the Shaykh not to tell anyone his name and the name of his wife .
The Shaykh asked him, saying to him, "I will tell her so that the others can benefit from it, and you will have the reward and the reward, but I will not mention your name.
Wisdom: Glory be to God Almighty Almighty, who brings wisdom to whom He wills and despises who He wills and humiliates whomever He wills, and He is over all things Almighty. Allah is the one who is inspired by this young man's wisdom, patience and disposition in the calamity that has passed upon him and his affliction to a great reward from Allah Almighty. The girl who sinned, and God forgave him on the Day of Resurrection, the day of no shadow but darkness.


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