The " dead body" that deceived Hitler and changed the fate of the world ..

in #arab6 years ago

In an abandoned warehouse in King's Cross, north of London, the winter of January 1943 was the ugly face of the young Glendor Michael. The whole world seemed to be in a mess under the black war. His life was no less chaotic, homeless and unemployed. "The sun must not shine on the foundation of tomorrow," a conversation that may have taken place at the time, what would happen if he ended his life with his hands? Who will come? May throw his body in any grave without mentioning his name to him even, what is worth his name and what is worth in life? But the truth, which he did not realize when he was dealing with rat poison, was that his death would bring life to millions of others who saved them, and that his name would forever be written as part of one of the most successful military tricks of World War II.

Charles Collundelli (left) and Ion Montagu (right), the brains of the process «The minced meat»

At the same time, British intelligence officers Charles Colondelli and Ion Montagu were putting the final touches on their plan, which, as much as it was, bore a lot of genius. The Allied forces were planning to attack Sicily but the German defenses there were threatening the attack with failure. And convince them that the attack would come from another front.
The idea came from a name that would later become famous as the greatest writer of spy stories, inventing the legendary officer James Bond, the British officer Ian Fleming, while working on the implementation of the duo «Colondale» and «Montagu», which was British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, considers them a key to solve any problem , As the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) says, to produce the "minced meat" operation.

The goal was to provide the wrong intelligence to the Germans convince them that the Allied forces in North Africa aim to invade Greece and not Sicily, and the arrival of this information to the Germans should appear natural and convincing, and reached the minds of the British plan and its components consist of intelligence officers and Ian Fleming next to a forensic doctor and The intelligence service, as well as three novels, a submarine commander and a admiral who loves fishing, as well as the body of a young British man.
This was the work team. The same work was based on getting a person's dead body and turning it into a British military man and building a whole novel about his life that could convince the Germans of the truth of his identity when they threw him on their way to find him. The dead body that was chosen was the body of the young man who ended his life In the abandoned store, the dead body of Michael Glendor.

The body was recovered in Spain

A new day shines on the Spanish coast in April 1943, specifically the harbor of Walba, when one of the sardine fishermen went on a routine trip in the Atlantic Ocean, which was a normal day but soon changed to an unforgettable day. British military clothes tied in his hand bag.
After keeping his bag and papers in a safe place, the Spaniards decided to bury the body quickly under conditions of decomposition while giving it all the military honor in a Spanish cemetery while the name was inscribed on his tomb in the card that was placed in his wallet, Captain William Martin, the Royal Marines, It is known to anyone who lived in his last resting place that this young man was only the miserable Welshman of Glendor Michael.
It was Spain's choice to throw the body of a young British man to look like a British officer who had been in a plane crash. German agents and spies were at the height of their activity in this area. Not long ago, all the past events reached the Nazi client Adolf Klose, On the papers of the late British officer, but it was not so easy.

The tomb of Michael Glendor who wrote his pseudonym William Martin

Allied plan on the office of «Hitler» :
Almost a week went by and several Germans tried to reach the British body. Finally, Claus was able to obtain photographs of all the papers in the possession of the "William Martin" who found their way a few hours later to the same Führer office Adolf Hitler.
He had in his wallet an identity card, letters of love from his fiance and a picture of her, letters from his father, and transport tickets. In the hand-tied bag, the important papers, official documents, and letters from another general were decorated with " Invasion of Greece`` .

Hitler felt a victory, he would surprise allies in Greece, and quickly ordered the transfer of 90,000 soldiers from Sicily to the land of the Greeks, unaware that the surprise would be his own.
All he saw and read was letters and pictures that were nothing but the creations of the "minced meat" crew. The corpse was thrown by a British submarine in the ocean on the morning of the discovery. The picture of his sweetheart was only a picture of the gentle secretary. The fiction of the novels, the official letters written by a real general to use the right way among generals to speak to each other, was a neat plan that ended with a letter from Montague to Churchill: "The minced meat swallowed the taste."

It was not more than three months before Allied forces invaded Sicily with few losses. Hitler's first ally, the fascist Italian leader Benito Mussolini, was removed from power. Germany was on the defensive. The "minced meat" operation was a turning point in the history of World War II, Her hero was a corpse.

sources :


Interesting story you have got there

yes , thanks for reading :)

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