Chocolate Talking Catfish

in #aquarium7 years ago

Chocolate Talking Catfish are very difficult to find in pet shops but sometimes they are shipped in a batch of South American catfish which bear a close resemblance.

Also known by their scientific name, acanthodoras cataphractus, Chocolate Talking Catfish are native to northern South America in countries such as Bolivia, Peru, Brazil, Colombia and Guyana. They can be found among the submerged vegetation in standing and slow-moving waters of swamps, river tributaries and mangroves.

Traits of the Chocolate Talking Catfish

The Chocolate Talking Catfish has an elongated body and a flat head. It does not have scales, but has a row of bony plates for protection. The dorsal and pectoral fins are rigid and sharp, which can inflict wounds if touched. It will grow to a length of approximately four inches.

This catfish has a dark brown body with an orange stripe that runs the length of its body and ends at the lateral fin. Its spines and fins are also colored. There are three pairs of barbels around the mouth area that are used as sensors.

The Chocolate Talking Catfish has the ability to produce sounds when agitated or in a threatening situation. These sounds are considered talking, hence the name.

Sound is produced by locking its pectoral fins into their sockets and then rubbing the spines of the pectoral fins against the socket. This produces a buzzing sound.


Aquarium Requirements for the Chocolate Talking Catfish

The minimum aquarium size should be 36 inches long and a capacity of at least 48 gallons. The tank should be supplied with plants, rock caves and driftwood for hiding spots. The Chocolate Talking Catfish is nocturnal so it likes to hide during the day.

The aquarium water should have a PH ranging from 6 to 7.5 and the DH should show a hardness of 4.0 . The ideal water temperature should be between a low 60F and 80F.

The substrate should be a fine sand and not coarse gravel because it can damage the catfish’s barbels when searching the tank bottom for food.

The Chocolate Talking Catfish is best suited for a community tank of medium to large fish. It should be kept in groups of three or more because it is a schooling fish by nature.

It will get along with fish that are its own size or larger. The general rule for choosing tank mates is if a fish will fit into the catfish’s mouth (such as fry), then it should not be put in the same tank.

The Chocolate Talking Catfish will eat almost any food. Sinking pellets are good because it ensures a sufficient quantity of food reaches the bottom of the aquarium for the catfish to eat. They can also be fed flake food, tubiflex worms, white worms, blood worms and insect larvae. As a treat, they can be fed vegetables such as lettuce and spinach. Because this catfish is nocturnal, it is best to feed it just before turning off the aquarium lights for the evening.

There has been little or no success with breeding Chocolate Talking Catfish in the aquarium.

Their unusual talking habits make them desirable for an aquarium but it will take a lot of searching in the pet stores to find one. The Striped Raphael Catfish bears a close resemblance to the Chocolate Talking Catfish.

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