SteemNow App - Post Filtering Module Added making it a GREAT Curation Tool

in #apps7 years ago (edited)

We have several statistics services available to us such as the well known steemd and steemdb services, and now we have another great tool "SteemNow" added.

SteemNow offers an instant view of a variety of parameter values and statistics in a compact webpage. It provided data that could also be found in other services, therefore this tool seemed to me as just another tool.

But now it took a step bring the tool to the next level; Making the tool very valuable tool!

Post filtering is now made possible, upgrading SteemNow to an already valuable tool to track scores of your own posts, now it provides a great way to support discovery of posts and support curators. 

Account / Profile information  

  • Reputation score
  • Voting Power level
  • Wallet values
    • Steem Power value
    • Steem value
    • Steem Backed Dollar (SBD) value
  • Daily Rewards
    • Curation rewards (today and yesterday)
    • Author rewards (today and yesterday)

History Tables 

  • Upvotes received on own posts
  • Curation rewards received
  • Author rewards received

all with direct links to the posts on Steemit.

Post Filtering (NEW)

  • Channel selection
    • My Posts
    • My Feed (Home channel on Steemit)
    • New channel
    • Hot channel
    • Trending channel
  • Reputation selection
  • Payout selection
  • all filter result with direct links to the posts on Steemit


For as long as I’m on Steemit I was missing more advanced post filtering features to support curation. With the addition of the filtering module, I now am able to filter for instance posts with a low reward status, or posts from author with a certain level of reputation. With the channel selection tool, such filtering can further be tailored to new posts, or posts that are hot.

Together with the already existing overviews of important profile and recent rewards transactions, SteemNow gets a high rating from me.

The tool is simple and easy to use, it is free to use! 

Just have a look for yourself at 

POST EDIT: the original post of @penguinpablo can be found here.

--- sources [1]

--- follow me @edje


just found out about this today, giving it a try :)

Cool. Have fun with it.

love it using it already ! :)

A very useful article. Thank you :)

Thank you. It looks very useful tool. I will try it.

Is is indeed very useful. Try the filtering module at the bottom of the page. Really super to support discovery and curation/voting for posts.

Thanks for that - even i read the official post I was not able to filter, now i could, this is awesome indeed @edje @penguinpablo

I look for the original post, but somehow I missed it. I really really like the filtering module with the direct links to the posts itself.

I found this quite interesting. Adding it to my steem knowledge DB :) Thanks!

It IS a very interesting tool, try it for sure. The filtering module is really great to have! So far mostly these were build into vote bots, but I don't want to use a vote bot at all. Now we have the filtering capabilities available for manual post discovery and voting.

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