Apple is making your Mac and iPhone suck on purpose so you have to upgrade to their latest OS

in #apple6 years ago (edited)

Apple is making your computer suck on purpose so you have to upgrade to High Sierra, or their latest OS.
Apple has been doing this for years to force users to put the latest operating system onto their hardware, which makes older systems slow or unusable, forcing users to buy new hardware.

This seems too malicious to be true. I don't want to believe it. I don't know if I can believe it. I am faced with evidence so surmounting I have no other option but to accept it as a hard possibility, maybe even a fact.

I remember years ago a friend of mine had A Powerbook G4.

The PowerbookG4 was old at this time, but he loved it. I couldn't understand why he was so enthusiastic about his old laptop.

"It's great" he told me

"It's just as fast as ever, it doesn't slow down like Windows."

Which was true then.

Until Apple realized had a problem.

Their hardware was too good and would continue running just fine. Users didn't need to buy a new system for years.
Until they figured out old Macs / iPhones would slow down when users update their OS to something it couldn't handle.
But this wasn't good enough. Users didn't update their systems, so they practically forced users to do it. Until some users still didn't upgrade. Then they started purposely creating bugs to slow down the systems.

They have created a system of power over their users, taking away their livelihood unless they upgrade their OS.
Don't believe me?

Here's what big brother did to iPhones.

Check out a link or search "apple apologizes iphone slow"

They are now doing the same thing on an even larger scale. They are purposely cutting Wi-Fi so they have to upgrade the latest operating system.

I, and many other Mac users with El Captain, have been plagued with a serious bug affecting Wi-Fi.

I've had my Macbook Air for a long time, I never had any issues with Wi-Fi. All of a sudden, on the latest Version of El captain, my Wifi can't stay connected for 15 minutes. And I've been dealing with this for two weeks so far.
There were two times when the Wi-Fi bug seemed to disappear, and I was able to hold a connection for longer than 30 minutes. Both times I was downloading the High Sierra update. The first time I was at a restaurant, and figured that it must be their Wi-Fi router was different than mine, maybe a higher GHZ that was not having the problems I have had.
Now, as I type this, I am experiencing a steady connection, the first one I've had all day or all week for that matter. And guess what. I am downloading High Sierra. This doesn't make any sense, other than the bug was created by Apple to get users to update the high Sierra.

Wi-Fi is such a simple thing. Every cheap device from China has Wi-Fi that works fine. There is no other logical explanation, especially when the Wi-Fi seems to work miraculously well when downloading High Sierra. You messed up, Apple, and now it's time to man up and make a pledge that you won't force users to upgrade their operating system, and let us live in peace.

Here's my message to Apple:
Please, please prove me wrong. I love your company, I love your hardware, and I hate this evidence that shows me that Apple is nothing but a money hungry corporation that is willing to sacrifice it's own hardware and its own users and their livelihoods to bring in a continuing profit.
Apple has claimed it has "never - and would never - do anything to intentionally shorten" the life of its products. Only a company that was doing that (and said this after getting in trouble for doing just that) would ever have to or feel the need to make that claim.
How can you prove me wrong?

  1. Fix the Wi-Fi bug. It's such a simple and essential thing. It's disgusting that you don't, that you let it go on. Really. It's WI_FI!! What is this 2002?
  2. Stop forcing users to have the latest operating system, lets users download whatever operating system they one onto their machines.
  3. Make a pledge to not alter the performance of any older device.

I really didn't want to write this. I really didn't want to believe it. I still am in denial, closing and opening my MacBook hoping the wifi will work. And it does now, because I am downloading High Sierra.

Your humble messenger,
Douglas James

The wifi cut out again after writing this and before the update finished. I am now praying for the download to complete this time. I can't handle the psychological torture I have went through with this. I work on the internet. It's my job. I am launching a cryptocurrency ( and I have been missing deadlines. I will do anything to have wifi back. Apple's psychological warfare on their previously satisfied consumers has won. I am putting up the white flag, upgrading, and praying my wifi will work again. I am back at the restaurant. The wifi wouldn't connect when I got here but after restarting my computer 5 times, I have a solid connection. For now.

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