How to Make an Awesome Apple Pie from Scratch
How to Make an Awesome Apple Pie from Scratch
Do you want to know how to make an awesome apple pie from scratch? Then read on! Apple pies are delicious treats that everyone loves, and baking one yourself can be fun and rewarding. By following these instructions, you’ll have your own fresh apple pie in no time at all! Read on to find out how to make an awesome apple pie from scratch…
Step 1: Wash, core, and slice the apples
Wash your apples and core them. If you don’t want your apple pie filling chunks, cut them into small pieces. These pieces should be smaller than a quarter because if they are larger, it will be difficult for you to blend them later. Also, cut off any leaves or bad spots on your apples. However, if you are making sauce out of your slices, keep in mind that there is no need to core or slice them as they will be pureed later on anyway. This step can be done with a paring knife or by hand. If you choose to do it by hand, make sure to wash your hands after handling each apple so that bacteria doesn’t spread from one apple to another. For example, do not use one hand for peeling one apple and then using that same hand for peeling another apple.
Step 2: Mix your flours, sugar, spice and salt together
This is not just for flavor. Mixing your dry ingredients together will help ensure you have a consistent filling—no big chunks of spices or flour! Add 1/2 cup plain all-purpose flour, 1/2 cup light brown sugar and 2 teaspoons cinnamon to a medium bowl and stir well with a fork until combined. If you prefer white sugar, that works too! Feel free to mix up your favorite type of apple pie filling as well (we have lots of great recipes in our Food section). For example, we recommend using 3 lbs Gala apples. You can also use 2 lbs Granny Smiths if you’re looking for something with more tartness and less sweetness or choose 4 lbs Honeycrisp apples if you love a sweet crunchy apple. No matter which variety you choose, be sure to peel them first! When it comes time to roll out your dough, do so on a lightly floured surface. Flour keeps everything from sticking and makes rolling out dough much easier than working directly on a countertop. Always keep at least half of your total amount of flour in reserve while you work; sprinkle some over any sticky spots or dough that seems particularly clingy so it doesn’t stick.
Step 3: Roll out your dough
Use two-thirds of your dough, about 14 ounces, for a regular pie. If you’re using an antique or deep-dish pan, use all 15 ounces. Roll it out on a floured surface and place it in your pie dish, making sure not to stretch or pull it. Trim off any excess that hangs over. Poke some holes in your dough with a fork so that steam can escape while baking (unless you’re going for a rustic look). Cover and place in the freezer while you make your filling. For instructions on how to bake a frozen crust, see our guide here .
Step 4: Add apples
The flavor of apples varies depending on what type you use, so be sure to consider that when making your pie. Here, we'll add one granny smith apple and one honeycrisp apple, which are good options if you're going for a tart and sweet taste. For a more savory pie, try adding two gala apples or three mutsu apples. The choice is yours! In order to prevent water loss in our apple slices, we'll sprinkle them with cinnamon and lemon juice before cooking them. Add about a teaspoon of cinnamon per 1 pound of sliced apples, along with 2 tablespoons lemon juice per 1 pound of apples (more or less based on personal preference). Then toss these ingredients together until evenly distributed throughout your sliced fruit. This will help ensure that your apples stay juicy while they cook. Once all of your apples have been prepared, it's time to move onto step 5: Top with crust
Step 5: Top with crust
Evenly divide remaining dough over top of apples. Use your fingers or a floured fork to gently press down on dough. Make sure there are no gaps in between layers of dough; that will help prevent apples from bubbling up during baking. Create decorative edges as desired using a sharp knife or small cookie cutter. Brush crust with egg wash if desired (this will give it a nice golden-brown finish). Sprinkle with coarse sugar, if desired. Bake for 40–50 minutes until crust is browned and filling is bubbly. Let cool for at least 30 minutes before serving. Enjoy!
Step 6: Bake it all together in the oven
Now that you have a pie crust, filling, and lattice strips ready to go, it’s time to put everything together. Cover your crust with a thick layer of cinnamon-sugar (1 part sugar: 1 part cinnamon), add on another layer of apple slices and spices, then cover it all with a lattice crust. Cut off any excess dough hanging over the edge of your pie pan and use a fork or knife to prick holes in top (to allow steam to escape during baking). Bake at 400 F for 45 minutes until golden brown on top. Let cool before serving. Enjoy!
Final Thoughts
There are a lot of different opinions about whether or not you should use free-from ingredients in your recipes. While it’s good to be mindful of people with certain dietary restrictions, it’s also important to keep in mind that not everyone has these restrictions, so your creation shouldn’t have these restrictions either. Thank you for reading this long article. Now enjoy your meal. Thanks again.