
in #appics6 years ago (edited)

What shall I do?
The food seems to be a huge problem for most people in hospital. If you have visitors it is easy. They provide you with home cooked meals, chocolate, cookies, etc. But what if no one's visiting you?

Some dragged a suitcase with food over here and share generously.
Some don't care about food at all (I should have to make peanut butter with me).

So what is for breakfast?
One lady gets nothing she is leaving. She has diabetic and the last meal given to her was yesterday at 5 pm.

One lady, her breakfast is 2 small pieces of bread with some potato. I am not sure what kind of diet that is. No butter, nothing to put on the bread. She came in 1 day after me and gives her food to me. She also did not eat last night's meal (the bread wrapped in). It is a good thing her family brought her cookies and custard and chocolate desserts.

What is my breakfast this morning?

  • Yogurt with cherries.
    I did not eat it. I only eat natural yoghurt without things in it.
  • 1 tomato, which I ate with salt, not the heart of it.
  • soft cheese which I ate with one bread the lady gave me. Hers was fresher as mine.
  • butter, the fake and tasteless one with transfat. I ate it on an other part of the bread with salt.

What to do with what is left over?
You will be shocked if you see how much bread we throw away here.
We all seem to get sick from it. The bread is always old (which reminds me of one of the detective series Inspector Frost. The police office bought sandwiches that were over the consuming date).

So far my exciting breakfast.
The coffee I liked it was the first time I had something that was warm. A nice change but you know what? The ice-cold variant was better.

Long story short I threw the food away.
I am afraid giving it back to the kitchen means someone else will get it served.

Last night we changed out our food.
I had bread with a piece of raw parsnip. I hoped it was cheese but no 😕
I asked a neighbour what it was, she liked it so I gave it to her and she gave me her bread and ham.

Another lady gave me chocolate pudding (the one with bread and potatoes) so I had my dinner. But I miss vegetables and fruit.

I wonder what @fitinfunfood and @gertu say about this.

So far my food adventure on the 7th floor. We manage since we care and share. I wipe some tears, make a walk, feed my neighbour and give some cuddles but it is time to go home before the food kills me. 💕


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Wirklich sparsam, dieses Essen. :(
Ich kenne es von den Krankenhäusern in München schon so, daß es wenigstens ein bißchen Grünzeug gab am Morgen und am Abend. Nicht annähernd genug und bei den warmen Mahlzeiten am Mittag auch nicht immer ansprechend aussehendes, aber es gab ein bißchen was.
Wärst du in einer Klinik hier in der Nähe, ich käme sofort mit Gurken und Salat und Obst vorbei. :)

Lieb von dir. Ich glaube das Essen ist weltweit ein Problem. Nicht nur im Krankenhäuser aber auch in Pflegeheime. Habe dort gearbeitet Frage besser nicht wie das Essen aussah... stundenlang auch warm gehalten... wer Diät hatte war am schlechtes dran. 5-6 Stunde aufgewärmtes of verbranntes Futter.

Ein Gemüse und Obst Händler kam einmal der Woche, die Bewohner standen in Schlange etwas zu kaufen.

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Mhm..... Sweet.....
That's an art of giving......
Keep on

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maybe just endure it for now for you to recover soon. I wish you well and be healthy. God bless you..

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Well why don't you day to the nurse you want natural yoghurt? When are you going home? I know all about no one visiting you it happened to me too at home last month with no one visiting and the hospital earlier last year Anna the polish woman wanted to come but it was too short to receive visits.

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Natural yogurt is better. You are smart.

This is unbelievable! I am so sorry, @wakeupkitty. I guess you do need to get out of there. I cannot comprehend this awful food in a hospital.

I did not eat last night I cannot eat it any longer. Most don't the longer they stay here the more ends up in the garbage can.

Everyone here has stomach pain and all are farthing. 🤐

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this is terrible. Praying you get out soon.

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