
the master himself! 🤠 nice shot ! :) the dog is cute, is that your dog?

The dog belongs to Reyna - one of our team members 😌

Omg! The dog is adorable 🥰

That’s true! Fluffy, cute and always happy jumping around 😌

Awe, such a sweet , fluffy and adorable dog 🐕! Great shot @sirwinchester, love the lush greenery you look so comfortable!

Thank you Karen. It was a perfect and calm place for reading

Your welcome, nice and tranquil!😊

Posted using Partiko Android

Very nice looking cuddly dog. But that garden like spot for reading looks awesome.
Enjoy 😊

Appreciate it 🙏🏾

The smokey God on a voyage to the inner world. What's this book about? DMT? ^>^ do tell sir!! Beautiful garden

Posted using Partiko Android

The book is about the subterranean cities that were built in case natural catastrophes or world war happen. An interesting book about entrances to subterranean cities in Brazil, America and Antarctica where life still exists. Dmt and Ayahuasca are interesting topics as well. I also have several books about it. Do you know about dmt?

Lovely place and cute dog. What are you reading btw. :) did you check out my new photo series?

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