Mugwort | Magical, Protective Dream Herb

in #appics6 years ago (edited)


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Over ten years ago now, I made a Mugwort pillow.

I was in an experimental phase and was researching a lot of common & local magical herbs.
By the way, just because an herb is common or even considered a weed doesn't lessen its power.

I was up visiting my aunt during the summer and we were playing tennis one day.

As I went to gather the neon balls in back corner of the court, I realized the greenery with white moon silver under the leaves was a plant I had been reflecting on often and looking for a source of. I harvested handfuls of the magical plant then and there and carried it back to her house, sweaty and excited.


Mugwort, Artemisia vulgaris, is in the Artemisia genus which harkens back to Artemis the goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth and virginity. And also the moon.

As I was soon to learn, the silvery soft underside of this plant was a lunar characteristic and that this plant had a lot to teach me.



Yesterday I harvested the Mugwort in our garden and hung it to dry in the solar shed.

It looks beautiful hanging there and today I was greeted with a smattering of yellow pollen dusting the boxes and shelves beneath the herb.

I am going to try to sleep in here tonight with it. It will be an interesting experience, I bet. Earlier I mentioned the Mugwort pillow and that is because it is a dream herb. In fact, this is one of the first ways that I interacted with this plant. I sewed it up into a pillow with Rabbit Tobacco (with a sweet warm butterscotch smell) & Lavender and slept with it.


It makes dreams more vivid. If you dream some, it will enhance those dreams. If you dream a lot, it will enhance them even more. The thujone in the plant stimulates brain activity and somehow encourages dreaming. Sometimes it can even be too much and I've had to put the pillow far from the bed because I can't sleep with so many dreams. Tonight with this entire thatched ceiling of Mugwort- it will be an interesting experience.


After that, I plan to bundle these stalks up to be used as smudge sticks. Mugwort has long been used as a Traveler's Herb for protection- or to ward off evil spirits.

Traditionally smudging plants (like sage, palo santo and others) are burned to purify the air warding away yes evil spirits, and also fleas, midges, and moths-- and also used internally for intestinal worms.

You can drink the tea, but it is very bitter (a tincture would be more palatable.) You can smudge your house by burning the dried leaf.

I will be offering them for Steem if anyone is interested. I'll be in touch as the herb dries and I bundle and package them up.


Mugwort is also used as a brewing herb hence the name Mug + Wort (wort being the name for the plant mixture used in the early part of the brew.) I have tried making a Mugwort brew with brown sugar, molasses, beer yeast, and lemon and it turned out very well. In fact, it was one of the favorite beers I made the first year I started brewing.


Doth ye have experience with Mugwort? Have I piqued your interest?


Many, many years ago I remember having a mugwort and lavender dream pillow. If I recall, I couldn't sleep with the thing in the apartment and had to throw it out. I was in a studio, so I could only lock it away in the bathroom, but even that was too close.

I wonder if I tried it again now what experience I would have, now that there is more peace in my mind in general.

Haha yes! This comment is a good testament to its power. I have already moved from the solar shed and am reading my book in the yurt. Too stimulating for me tonight!

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The diversity to these plants, I love it & gratitude for sharing this use of this sacred plant we call Mugwort! @mountainjewel it was awesome to see you reblogged by someone I @wellnesshero follow for I am now following you directly on this blockchain, woot woot!
The summer is when I disconnect from most digital, yet as we wind down this Solstice energy, I'll be connecting to digital balance during the Equinox, so looking forward to more of your homesteading and natural medicine shares! Thank you for posting/sharing more about this beautiful mugwort too! Namaste

I love this post so much! ♥ So descriptive and educational. I absolutely need to fall down a mugwort rabbit hole and hug a pillow filled with mugwort, sweet butterscotch scented rabbit tobacco & lavender. ♥

....mmmmmm, yes! Let's ❤❤❤ And, then debrief over tea and sandwiches tomorrow shall we!!! Peace & Sweet Dreams 💤💤💤

<3 you're so sweet. and thanks for the resteem, too! ahhh the mugwort rabbit hole.... yes, it's certainly one to fall down and cherish ... not for the faint of heart however! but boy oh boy yes that pillow herb mix sounds divine! looking forward to the rabbit tobacco bloom here in a couple weeks! i'll have to do a post on that, too, as that was one of the first herbs i ever made friends with. XO

Yes Mugwort!!! We finally tried the tea, once with dried leaves (from last year, before flowering) and once with the stems only from this year just starying to flower.... I didn't find either of them bitter, brewed for 10 minutes.

In deed we had more vivid dreams, I will try it again soo. With the flowers:


I really like you mugwort cieling! Enjoy your night, I'd love to hear about it... sweet dreams 😁!

beautiful harvest senor coco! glad to see you have a nice stand on your land. i remember you saying that now :) cool you didn't find it bitter! personally i love the flavor too... i often chew on a leaf as i'm walking through the garden :) <3

I just had a batch that was a little bitter! Just a little though. I want to harvest it all but I don't have enough room for drying it... 😐

Very interesting! I was just on a hike with friends yesterday, and one of them pointed out that mugwort is nature's toilet paper, as it's soft and doesn't irritate the skin. I haven't tried this out yet but perhaps one day it will come in handy :)

oh my! usually i just use other tree leaves, but i suppose that just speaks to my preference for and reverence of mugwort. are you familiar with mullein? that's definitely a very good soft toilet paper.

Well I would be easy to talk into a beer... I was not familiar with dream herb pillows, going down that google rabbit hole now :)

☺️ it’s a deep rabbit hole, have fun!

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We use this herb in Taoist medicine for moxibustion.

It’s a really interesting therapy, using it to warm the body’s Qi and also clear stagnation.

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yes i have heard of this use many times, but have never tried it!

Very cool! I noticed the similarity right away to Artemisia frigida, which we use in this area in ceremony as moon time sage. Have a wonderful sleep! 💤💤💤💤💤❤

oh cool! i'll have to look that one up! <3 btw i couldn't sleep in there, too stimulating!! hehe XO

I guess not being able to sleep is understandable! The moon time sage grows wild here. And, we use Artemisia ludoviciana, which also grows wild, for regular sage smudge.

Very interesting! I recently harvested some of ours too!

nice! any plans with it?

You have definitely piqued my interest. I can't grow it down here...

Sorry to hear that. I wonder if you can grow any of the other Artemisia plants? Sweet Annie maybe?

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