The Old Dog Asks: Have You Hugged a Tree Today? If not why? It might just make you ...

in #appics5 years ago

... feel that much better!


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You're a tree hugger! ;)
Cool tree. I would've hugged it too:)

Yes I am! Fun times!

Well have not done that but will probably do it ASAP to get that feeling ;)

Lovely picture :-D
This is in Locarno....

Thank you very much! :-))))

steemit jardin botanico 041.JPG

This is a BaoBab, an African tree donated by Kew Garden from London and is located in the Botanical Garden of Maracaibo, Venezuela. Great gift and hug.

Great photo!

I've used the latest forensic detectivity techniques on the picture and I can confirm that the tree liked it very much too!


I thought that I was the only one that could discern that.

It's in the blood!

I can't believe you're a tree hugger, hehe.
I think that they keep you quite busy to keep them away from your doorstep.
They taking over as far as I can see. At least in my old country. And you live in a similar place.

I haven't hugged a tree in a long time. But I really should. They give us so much and we seem to mostly just take them for granted. I should appreciate them more. Good reminder.

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I'm waiting for a tree to make the first move (I can't handle rejection).


The problem is that when a tree sees you it leaves.

Why did my best friends never tell me? Why did I have to wait for an Old Dog before I find out?

Hey @kus-knee, here is a little bit of BEER from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

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