
Love the APPICS logo on your jacket 😄 welcome!

Thanks!! I made it myself. Loving the APP thank you ☺

Nice to see you. You're looking well. But how are you feeling?

Nice to see you too!! I have improved heaps. Still a long way to go but in many ways i am getting better. Doing the Andy Cutler protocol has been so good. My doctor has also just started me on CBD oil. To be fair this photo is quite old i am still looking quite sick. How are you doing? Hope you are enoying the summer xx

Glad to hear you're on the mend. Sounds like you've got a good supportive doctor, which must be helping. We're doing ok. I wasn't posting for a few months myself, but got back into it at the beginning of December.

I wish all doctors were like her it is a very strange but good feeling to have a supportive one! Happy you are back too!

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